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Rick Stogsdill

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Everything posted by Rick Stogsdill

  1. Leigh... Thanks for the greeting. Have really swamped myself with all sorts of steadicam research in the past couple of weeks. I do have a Sony Betacam to throw on that rig and get to practicing all day everyday. This part of the country has few steadicam ops- only one other in Houston. Film is all but non-existent in this part of Texas, but I'm well entrenched in the sports world nationally- and have been an ENG guy and a hand-held operator forever. Physically I'm way ahead of the average bear. Have connections with all the production companies locally, so hoping to generate some business sooner than most might could. None of that assures me any shortcuts in the world of steadicam, but it's been a dream forever and at this point of my career something I have to act upon. Just looking to read all I can and meet as many folks like yourself and listen. The whole process has energized me again! Will be at the Tiffen display in Vegas (NAB) on Thursday the 27th around noon. Am set to meet with Frank Rush that afternoon. Thanks again and happy trails!!! TEX (Rick)
  2. 44 year-old, 22 year production veteran, and long time free-lance videographer is taking the STEADICAM plunge! Production company experience including dolly grip, and jib operator leaving the camera business due to format recording wars... HD, DV, DVCAM, Disk, DVD- as a privateer, I can't own each of the formats!!! As my analog Betacam SP ends it's life- it's time to take my business in a different direction. Sports is the majority of the current workload (former college football player- 6'2", 235 lbs) but with age looking to get back to more project oriented and script laden work. Headed to NAB next month. Looking for comments / suggestions / advice. Thanks all! Tex
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