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Nikolay Kerezov

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Posts posted by Nikolay Kerezov

  1. Sofia,

    whatever we say ,you will need to send the arm to be serviced at some point.

    My worry is that the cable is broken and as you know s...t happens.

    If you can do a picture of the same section of the arm under weight will show the real demage.


  2. I would definitely be worried. That's one of the cables for the spring, which is what holds the 3 springs inside the arm together. That cable carries the full weight of everything on the rig. So, that cable being loose and frayed-looking is problematic. However, what is even more problematic is that it's sitting between coils of a titanium spring. Titanium springs are able to take great extension, but if they are scratched, dinged, or marred in any way (such as by a big steel cable rubbing against them), they have a habit of shattering, dropping rigs, and making a sound like a gun going off. I found a reply in this thread from an op who had the same issue: http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=3112&view=findpost&p=17825


    I'd get it taken care of by an arm expert. Robert Luna is the big name for refurbishing arms - I know he worked on my Master series arm for the previous owner, and did a great job. I'm sure you can find his contact information somewhere on the site, or someone will pop in to post it soon enough.


    Kudos to you for noticing this and not just sending it right back out on another job - that could have been disastrous, had the spring broken.


    No cable inside the spring is caring weight.

    The cables between the springs are pares and they are connected to the end of the springs. Inside the spring there is a “safety” if spring brakes .

    This is how I see the arm structure and I have two of those.

    About Titanium and that wire, you might be right….I have one of this cables stuck in the spring for 7 years now…

  3. Hello,


    I just registered as a member here and this is the first post I write, hopefully in the right forum.


    I work in a rental company and I'm now the responsable for our Steadicam.


    Today I saw something on the arm to our Steadiecam MK-V. It's a 3A-arm, and there are some steel wires coming out between the metals, it looks like it's coming from the spring inside.


    I attach a picture.


    My question is, what should I do about it? Will it affect the operating of the Steadicam? Is it dangerous somehow?

    Should I send it for maintainence (where?) or is it something I can do by myself?


    I have a very basic knowledge of Steadicams, I'm a camera technician, not a operator, so please feel free to explain it to me as if I were a baby.


    Thank you in advance,


    Sofia Armenteros





    According to me there is nothing to worry about ! This steel wire is a part of the safety if a spring brakes .

    It will not affect the operating or the performance in any way.

    This is what I see ,but someone can proof me wrong….

  4. I know what you mean ,but those sections MUST remain locked for companies. If there is only one apart of Marketplace open for them ( and paid ) ,brands can even ask people here for advices during discusions.

    Lets leave the sections we know free of manufacturers, but leave a window for them to explain their products .

    Example: I saw the advert. Here and start to look for information about that vest- I found none. I contact Betz Tools as they represent Walter Klassen FX for some info right before CINEC.

    Without knowing much I have ordered one almost “”blind”” .

    If section like this give those guys a chance to explain and live as a space to ask them direct questions it will be great!

    My two cents…

  5. What about NEW section in the forum – Manufacturers ( this can be paid option for topic starters), so if someone is coming with new stuff ,the one can advertise his product and answer questions ?

  6. This is really strange for me .Usually ,when something new is on the horizon there is a big talk, but not in this case….

    Is it the wait for the exovest?

    I’m sure that lots of members of this forum have already seen / tried the flex ,but still no talk about!

    Well I guess I should just wait for mine to arrive….

  7. I'm sure everybody has seen WK advertisement on the right side here,some of you I belive even try it at CINEC ,but there is no talk about it- sounds strange for me!

    Of course I've already order mine ,without touching one.....

  8. Hello Nikolay,


    First let me say that I’m very sorry about your troubles. This forum is the main source of knowledge and equipment for us, the professional steadicam operators. One bad apple in this bunch will rot the rest and the trust toward one on other will be ruined.


    I recently bought a used Ultra2 package complete with Bartech remote focus from Brandon Baudier from this forum. All went great and at the end I had a very good rig and also a good friend. At some point Brandon and I, we both decided to trust each other which made this deal possible.


    You did very well by calling out this guy by his name on this public forum which made possible for the guy to come out and explain himself or made us the forum members aware of this person.




    I am offended about the title of your topic. A bad person is a bad person no matter where he is from, which color he is, so on... Your title made look like all deals made from TURKEY(in capital letters!) might be dubious which is a faulty generalization. Your title might make my life harder when I try to make a deal in the future and I certainly don`t deserve this. I personally don`t care about countries, frontiers, races or religions; personally I only care about people and world as a whole so my complaint is not based on national pride or such thing.


    I am also ready to help you if you need to communicate and resolve any problems with this guy. Just send me PM and we will talk about it. But first of all you should contact the admin and change the title of your topic.


    I don’t mean that you shouldn’t give the country information as you explained what happened to you in detail but putting a title like “insulting buyer from TURKEY!” in order to summarize the whole thing is wrong. This is only a detail to the story which is not relevant to the outcome and don’t deserve to be at the title in capital letters and a exclamation point.


    I'm so sorry it sounds so bad to you that I called the country by name ( only the first letter is capital)!

    My apologies to anyone who told this is against country ,color or anything else!

    I just wanted to aware the people ,because the same guy(s) might be in deal procedure with someone else.

    Once again I'm sorry!

  9. Here is the story:

    After long emailing and phone calls with some friend of the buyer (who owns Bulgarian passport and speaks Bulgarian) I finally decide to comply this guy wish and bring my steadicam for sale in Turkey.

    The buyer Zafer Sevener ( member of this forum) said that he will need visa ,this will take 45 days,it will be a nightmare for him to make this deal in different way.Once I've booked room in hotel in town for his guy to come talk to me,the guy didn't come.Then in Sunday afternoon he called me saying that the only chance to make a deal can happen if I bring the steadicam Monday afternoon in Turkey. Well I was free ,so I take it and met the guy on the border ,he passed us with the equipment thru the borders without filling documents or so,good enough because he assured me that there is no way the buyer will say no to the deal...OK

    We've met two young guys sended by the buyer a little after the border inside Turkey. They where send buy Zafer to make the deal because he is busy,Ok I don't really care who is there I know what I'm selling.

    After doing all this to sell this:


    The two guys told me that they where thinking that I'll show then Ultra 2 or similar and they try to make me look stupid at front of my father ( I took him with me for company).

    They almost didn't have any knowledge of steadicam models ,makers or anything.

    I was ,insulted bad at front of my father by two punks because I was so stupid to deal with someone I don't know .

    Please guys tell me did I explain well what I'm selling or not? How much this http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=14554&st=0&p=77816entry77816 looks like Ultra2 ?

    Be aware of dealing with Sevener !!!!

  10. Hello Nikolay Kerezov, information wanted by the arm, you can have the drawings? that would cost? thanks jimmy

    Im so sorry for the late request!

    I’ve called the guy who made it and will have answer one of this days.

    Best Regards!

  11. Call me crazy , but I would like the sensor at the top of my sled where the camera sensor/film plane is (as in the Christian Betz's sled). Is in it the camera that captures the wrong horizon?

    If you are using bottom of the sled method ,it should be as close to the post (the best would be right under or inside)

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