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kip ross

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Posts posted by kip ross

  1. I'm interested in what approach Steadicam operators took regarding putting their 1st sample reel together. I have have several decades production experience (lighting /camera/grip) and a reel for said background. However, no professional production experience with the Steadicam.


    I'm thinking about shooting a variety of moves through the bookstore/grocery store and like suitable environs following friends going up stairs, down stairs, start/stop etc. Further; I've taken a 2 day workshop and own a Flyer, which I practice with regularly.


    I'm just concerned that a producer will not be interested if there is nothing glossily produced: Chicken/Egg simile comes to mind: No work without a reel/no reel without the work.


    As always, any input is appreciated.


    Thanks and Cheers to a great "07"!


    Kip Ross

  2. I'm finding the chest straps on my new Flyer vest to be at the end of their tether, and still the vest is to tight. I'm practicing while wearing a tee shirt. If I were to put on a sweater or coat, forget it. I would like to increase the length of these straps a few inches by sewing additional velcro strap stock.


    Any thoughts as to where I could obtain some of this material?




    Kip "Gravy Boat Captain" Ross

  3. Since you don't always work with one lens on set...


    David and Robert,


    Thanks for the input. I took Peter's 2 day workshop in October. This workshop resulted in my purchasing the Flyer. I'm going to mix up the focal lengths during practice. David: Your explanation re: the "wide and long "of things, as related to on-set variables is very helpful to me.


    And Robert, I like the obstacle course idea in tandem with the "line dance". I'd be interested in what elements comprise your course.


    Thanks to you both.


    Kip "can't think of a clever middle moniker at the moment" Ross

  4. I just recieved my Flyer and have been practicing the line and cross hairs excercises. My question is thus: When first starting out, would it be wiser to practice on a longer focal length than super wide? Wide angle being more forgiving than a longer lens, the analogy being: Walking with a backpak containing weights vs. just walking.


    Any input is appreciated!


    Kip "Line dancing in the kitchen" Ross

  5. Sorry I missed your post.


    What Erwin says.


    As I read your post two words kept running through my head over and over. Peter Abraham. Peter Abraham.


    Hope all went well.


    Bill (Over 50 too) Powers


    Hi Bill and Erwin,


    I just , today, not 4 hours ago, ordered a Steadicam Rig(Flyer). I am excited, but that is an understatement. I am looking forward to the unit's arrival ( with alacrity;)oui!)...!!!


    Peter Abraham's workshop in NYC on Oct.21 & 22 was a bona fide :D quality education in-a really-short-albeit-effective-period of time. Good teachers make it easy to learn. Salut! Peter Abraham!!!


    So, what I will be devoting my time to is thus: Practicing the 3 Fandangos: Missionary, Linear tracking and- you know it, you dig it- The Donald Juan.

    Whirled peas, out!!! And thanks to all the talented and enthusiastic folks on this forum!!!!

  6. Hi David,


    Thanks for this entry. The dynamics of the naysayer and passive aggressive mind out there in the working world often dehumidify the fun spirit of a project.


    Humility at a fundamental and oft practiced level isn't always abundant. Your entry was insightful and candid




    Kip Ross

    Newbie to be



    What if Garrett Brown decided to take the secrets of Steadicam to the grave and never reveal them to the world? Where would you, THAT GUY, be?


    What if teachers discouraged kids from becoming teachers. Who would teach us?


    We're all full of energy. Let's collectively channel it where it needs channelling. Upholding and defending the Charters of Freedom and making movie-making fun. Amendment #2 is for you, BJ. Come to think of it, so is #4. Thanks for letting me rant this space.



  7. Now, if a train leaves the Santa Ana station heading northwest towards Chicago at 62mph, and at the same time another train leaves 30th Street Station in Philly heading south for Atlanta, what was the pin configuration for the early MovieCam Compact bodies that got switched to 24 volts?




    That's easy: White wine (dry) with lobster bisque;)

    See you at the seminar.


    Kip Ross


  8. Hi Erwin,


    I just signed on for a Peter Abraham seminar in New York next Saturday and Sunday. It feels just like waiting for Christmas morning as a kid! But it also feels like that time I was abducted by these alien dudes. But, that's another story.


    I look forward to next weekend with alacrity (I think that's a real word)!




    Kip Ross

  9. HI Afton,


    Thank you for your input! I think this forum will be helpful in determining whether I take one of the professional seminars. It seems to be a forthright and sharing type of community, based on the submissions i've read. That's very refreshing!


    I do travel to NYC on a fairly regular basis and perhaps will contact you upon my next visit. I live in Vermont, so it's always great to get to the city.


    Thanks again, Afton!



  10. I recently attended Garrett Brown's seminar at a Trade show in NYC. Mr. Brown was a most engaging speaker. He seems like, simply put, a really cool guy. I could go on and on about his brilliant body of work but you're already aware of it.


    Anyway, having had a persistent fascination with the Steadicam, I got to try on a unit (don't recall the model, but it had a sizable 35mm film camera aboard). The operator at the show helping at the Steadicam exhibit was most helpful and patient with me. Thank you, by the way!!!


    So, my lower back was hurting after about a minute. This was, in part, my not being used to this physical process and naive weight distribution etc.


    Soooooooooo, the resounding recommendation is to attend a seminar to spend more than an abbreviated amount of time with the Steadicam; replete with professional guidance and instruction. To this end, I checked into the Maine Workshops and they have a 5 day seminar. It's $1495.00. I love the Maine Workshops but i'm not in a position to spend that amount of money to discover that A) It's really not for me or B) I'm really not physically capable to operate such a system (I'm 52 and relatively fit).


    My question (after the protracted, aforementioned preamble) is: How could I spend some time (1/2 day, full day, 2 days) with an operator using the gear and answering such questions (I realize an operator's time has value).

    Any and all advise is appreciated.


    P.S. I have several decades production experience- lighting camera, gaffer, grip.

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