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Gus Trivino

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Posts posted by Gus Trivino

  1. Hi Manuel:


    sorry, but I was working out of the town and I can´t response before.

    We have an Artemis Cine-HD and his gimbal is EXCELENT.

    We, like Fred, usually use heavys cameras like 535, BL4 and BL 4 Evolution, and never a problem.

    I think you speak spanish, and in my mother language I can explain better my opinion about it.

    Send me an email to:






  2. Hi guys:


    I need buy some Lemo, fisher and Hirose connectors for my EFP, but I don´t know where.

    Anybody know some internet page to see and buy online?

    Best regards,




    PS: Seba Mattias: Sorry for the 1 x 0 in the Mundial Under 21 football, but there was nothing compare the next Tuesday on Germany :P :P

    Saviola, Riquelme, Tevez, Luciano Figueroa and company will do a desaster :D

    I saw Steadicam Operators working on the field.

    Are you working over there?

  3. Speaking of which, has anyone (Gus?  Job?) heard anything from Mr. Fisher?  According to the "Members" page, he has not logged in here since January 9th.


    Jim "curiouser and curiouser" Bartell



    Hi Jim:


    The Last time that I spoke with Mr Ben Fisher, he was going to Italy. B)

    but always nobody know where he can be.




  4. Thanks Alec for the tip.

    Velcro will help me. B)


    Paul, after I will send you some pics to your e-mail

    Thanks you for being interested.






    PS_ Obviously!! We use 3 bateries in 3 gold mount :P

    In our web page, in the seccion EN RODAJE you can see the Artemis in Action.



  5. Hi Rob:


    I think that using the Superpost, the batteries are in higher position, and the vibration are bigger that using with the normal post.

    The Last time that my Brother Peter used the superpost, when he put the Rig in the docking stand, the Hytron dropped to the floor!!!!

    Afortunatly the batterie don`t hit Peter`s head.


    I know that the Gold mount was made to hold the bateries, but change 3 Gold mount in 1 year is strange <_<


    I will call my AB dealer here to see if there is a Guarantee.

    Anyway I was changed the goldmounts because I had an AB charger that I don't use.





  6. Hi everyone:


    We bought an Artemis last year and in 1 year we must changed his 3 Anton Bauer "Gold mount" because in the 3 gold mount appeared a cracks.

    Is strange because never we have struck the equipment and nevertheless the cracks appeared. :(


    I think that it was a product of the weight of the batteries (We usually use 2 trimpac and 1 Hytron 120 in the configuration )

    Can it be this?


    I compare the old Gold Mount of my Steadicam EFP and the material seems to be different from the new one Gold mount.


    What do you think about?

    Best regards,


    Gus "Golden" Triviño

  7. Hi everybody:


    Yesterday I talked with an engeeneer, and he told me that the EFP fuse, is not a common fuse.

    Is a "ElectroFuse" that is boken.

    I must change the EFP Fuse and I can't find it in Argentina.

    The model of this "ElectroFuse" is:


    Klixon 7277-2-5

    mdf-1089 A


    any advice where can a find it?




  8. Hi guys:


    Yesterday my EFP didn`t turn on.

    Checking the equipment I thought that I must change the Fuse, but I couldn`t. :(


    I pulled off the fuse like usually do for turning off, but for changing the fuse, I thought pulled more.

    I was fear to do that, and I feelt that I can broke something...

    Anybody has changed the fuse?

    any advice?

    Best regards,




  9. Nacho!


    I have en EFP arm but upgraded with gold spring by SteadyRig.

    the only thing that we can say is:



    Best to all,





    PS: Did you see his Top Stage? Beautyfull!!

  10. Hey!


    Thanks a lot for the advices.

    Everithing was ok, but 1:30 hours without stop is hard for my back... <_<

    I learned that Tally IS really necessary.

    Know when somebody is "hot" is very important, and see the Camera tally is dificult.

    Maradona don´t went to the show, but in a few weeks he will go.

    Some pics will arrive.





  11. Hey!


    Next Sunday will be my first time working "in live" on a TV Show.

    Really, I am a little bit nervous, and the production crew "helpme" passing me all the adrenaline of the first show of the year :ph34r:


    Yesterday I went to do some test with all the crew and check the equipment.

    In a few minuts, I Learned hate the Triax :P

    I promise some pics.

    Probably Diego Maradona will be on the show.

    Best regards,




  12. Hi Thomas:


    Usually in Argentina the 435 is used for commercials.

    But like Steve said:

    "...The 435 is a very nice camera to fly; you should be able to fly that every day for a week with no problems..."


    My brother Peter did a film with a BL4 Evolution, and some day he must used an 535 A .We have an Artemis arm, that is stroger than a 3A model, but the arm doesn´t work. 535 IS NOT a Camera for steadicam, you will use a 535B.


    the 535 B with video top and steadimags has the similar weight of a BL4 evolution, anyway, I think that is too much to work 6 days a week .

    Maybe you need include an Fisioteraphyst on the budget to use in the 7 day :P





  13. Ciao ragazzi:


    I will go to Milano May 10, to vacances (I lived almost 1 year over there and "parlo italiano") :P

    Is there any operator on the Area?

    I would like go to see any filmation over there and drink some beers or "capuchino" cofee.

    please, write me an email at:






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