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Thomas English

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Posts posted by Thomas English

  1. Most operators prefer their monitor tabled or viewed from below. Especially considering we do more tilting down than up. I only tilt my monitor to view from above under certain rare lighting conditions.


    Is this panel fixed to view from above? Or can we factory request it with the panel inversed? Chris s response implies this isn't possible but has anyone actually asked transvideo?

  2. American Cinematographer April 2011 Hannah


    Amazing magazine. Anyone not subscribing should. I notice that Peter Robertson has a climbing strop attached to klassen and is being spotted back with It. As per the attached photo.


    Is this common? I normally have someone grab me by the collar of my t shirt so I know what direction they are trying to pull me. This also keeps them close should I fall... maybe too close since they could trip me up.


    I would love to know your thoughts and comments.


  3. The effects of the centrifugal force applied to the post will be different the higher or lower its applied. Hence a non coplanar monitor will balance great on the mickey and not be in dynamic balance.


    This is what Jerry is saying and it seems entirely correct to me. Eric, if you dispute this howabout doing so with some science.

    • Upvote 3
  4. Haha.. Not saying your a wuss Chris; there is a difference between an inadvertent soaking and sticking a rain deflector on the lens for a proper soaking. I am a massive fan of Transvideo and the insanely good service that company delivers. Easily amongst the best in the industry. Jacques says its almost waterproof. The screen itself is bonded and "There are o-ring on the metal pads. A seal on the rotating knob and LEDs. I would use a food film on the keypad an let the window as it is. "


    Thats pretty good. Actually its very good as Chris can testify to. I do want that front panel to be completely waterproof. It is great though that this is in the offering according to Jacques but not yet. I don't know what the time period is.


    These buttons that aren't waterproof... The touch ones How much does one actually use them?


    Is there also talk of putting the panel in upside down in this monitor for Steadicam? Is there talk of different bonded glass options for the front of this monitor as well?

  5. I walked through 6 massive rain machine sticks for a shot last night that was proper proper torrential rain. Soaked through.


    In the UK we regularly shoot in the solid rain. Chris did you shoot with direct heavy onto the monitor without rain covers? Would you recommend that with your monitor?

  6. I believe there is going to be an option to window the sensor for s16 glass. I don't know what resolution that will give from the sensors 3000 odd pixels lengthways.


    Is the B4 adaptor going to have optics in it? Certainly my friend is using B4 lenses on a c300 using Mike Tapas optical adaptor with some success.

  7. Waterproof is my most important consideration. There are a lot of modern LCDs that can be seen in most conditions but there is only the TB6 that can be seen on a bright rainy day under covers. Cinetronic is waterproof and doesn't need covers and currently works for me.


    Jaques has threatened to make available versions of his monitors that are waterproof but as far as I know this hasn't happened yet. That would be exciting.

  8. The new mini Heden is meant to be as powerful as the large Heden. Certainly I've been using hedens for years on my MDR1 but rentely purchased a DM2 . The mini heden definitely still comes out of the box of tricks in awkward situations most notably in the AR - Omega rings. Hedens are definitely more flexible but I do love the DM2.

  9. With response to people needing a backup monitor to work with the Cinetronic. All you need is a RED BYTE. because if you come across a camera that doesn't work with the monitor then simply downconvert it!


    I've been using this monitor 3 to 4 days a week for many months. I like it a lot. The only times I miss my TB6 are with DoP s that underexpose by 2 stops on the Alexa and its bright contrasty sunlight. I am sure I can gain this up in the monitor though and truly... this doesn't happen often. With normal DoP s in these conditions its totally fine.


    I am a big fan. There have been teething problems but seemingly these are getting sorted. I do reallty like my primary monitor.

  10. We are camera operators that mostly operate Steadicam. We are also business people that like to invest in complicated kit for rental. If new kit comes along to master and profit from I am sure many of us will.


    These Movi and knockoffs vibrate on wide lenses and don't have the gear ratio to stabilize longer lenses. I think it unlikely I will see one on set for at least 18 months and then only as a novelty.


    They will have their uses.. just not many. Personally its very rare a DoP puts an 18mm on my camera. 27mm to 50mm are de-rigeur. This stabilizer can't do that focal range. If I am wrong... I'll buy one.

    • Upvote 2
  11. If this is a fear am I correct that regularly turning your sled off is a working solution. I often don't turn it off between takes but always between setups. There is also a redbyte, a preston and a few other components on a sled that could overheat.

  12. So I have had it a few times where I am chatting to the girl behind the counter and managed to convince her to have one of the guys come up from the aircraft loading area and collect all 15 flightcases and take it down on his special trolley to load it directly into the aircraft shipping container. This clearly minimises lost luggage. It goes direct from counter to container via a scanner.


    I would like to refine this technique of getting someone up from the hold. Anyone have any further techniques on this. Some counter girls look at me blankly like its impossible and others are like yeah cool!


    The other thing is scanner stickers. So the main label goes on and the little scanner stickers go elsewhere on the flightcase incase the main label gets lost or the scanner misses it. Thing is on two recent trips I have had checkout girls refuse to put the little stickers on and also tell me not to do it because it will mess things up. Are they just wrong? There is a gap between the checkout and loading so I can imagine in these big systems they could easily be wrong. Anyone know more about it.


    Thomas "minimising lost and stolen luggage" English

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