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jay kilroy

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Posts posted by jay kilroy

  1. The bungee gag works by wrapping it around the sections of the arm. The long trunion screws work really well when you use rubber bands. I believe its 2 pounds of lift per band used???? I personally have never had to do either trick. Jerry would know the best, he is who I learned the trick from.

  2. Marc,


    Don't let this kind of stuff chase you away. I know it's hard, but if anything just ignore the "useless" posts. (I try, sometimes I get sucked in though) We need to get this forum back to where it was. I am not sure exactly how to do this, but I do know that leaving isn't the way. If more of us stay and try to maintain the quality I am hoping some of the others who left will comeback. Thier knowledge is needed and missed.



  3. Matthew,


    Mikko is right, "You get what you pay for". With that said STAY AWAY FROM BASSON!!. If I were you I would try to find an op in Oz and see if they will let you try thier rig out. More importantly I suggest a workshop. The SOA has info on an Austrailian workshop here is the link workshop down under. I think it is really important for you to take the workshop before you make an investment like a rig. Good luck.


    jay kilroy

    VP, SOA

  4. Bryan,


    Take pictures of the rig put together and pack them in with your gear to help explain what it is. I haven't heard anything about the battery issue, but like you said, "these days.." Give yourself a ton of time. There will be plenty of questions and a lot of wiping down your equipment with those residue cloths by security.



  5. Leigh,


    You're missing the whole point of this thread! Look at the title "Finally a digital ONBOARD Recorder that works". It's obvious you have no idea what you are talking about. I'm sorry if this is harsh, but things like this are exactly what is driving seasoned well informed operators away from this site. I for one enjoy reading and learning from these guys and miss the ones who left. Steadicam operators come here to cummunicate with other operators. I would hate to see more leave. We share ideas and information, I am not trying to chase you away (infact in the beginning I tried to help you) but you really need to stick to what you know. Running around your back yard with your Dad and a cat with something you made in your basement doesn't make you an operator.

  6. Hi Charles,


    Yes, that helps.


    I didn't seem to pay attention to the weight cages that we used at the workshop enough to remember. So i was using photos online, and it looked like the holes were all tapped.


    So, good to know.


    I'll run out now and get a 1/4in bit and "remove" the threads on the holes I have already. =)


    one more question, 1/4in i know is for the DV cameras, and ones like that, but what would / will I use the 3/8in (un tapped) holes for?



    Thanks again!




    Bryan make sure you counter sink the holes for the camera screw or the dovetail won't mount properly.

  7. Hi there,


    Was wondering if anyone had any tips about good - cheap - steadicams to use with the Canon XL2. Movement would be with the cam operator mainly going backwards.

    I've been recommended the Steadicam JR but it looks impossibly lightweight to me...?!

    Any suggestions would be appreciated..





    Hire someone who has a Flyer. Especially if you have no experience. You can't just pick up a rig, any rig, and do it well.

  8. Oh those are both so cool!



    .. Ok, so you get the rig on and you fly it on the segway.. then waht? stopiing? docking? getting off?    -  or is it a "one shot" deal?  :-P


    - Mikko




    Myself, Saade and Jerry all rode the HandsFree(That's its name, not Segway) at CineGear last week. Jerry and Saade got really, really good at it over the 2 days. I didn't go above the 1st gear or level, they rode on the 2nd gear and we all rode without a rig on the 3rd and highest gear. You could dock and mount up right on the HandsFree. The C-stand had to be way up high though. The leaning thing wasn't that bad, going backwards got a little hairy sometimes. Only when you turn though. I have more pics I'll post later.

  9. What I was told to tell people at the CineGear booth was the 12V Flyer system was around $6,900.00 and the F24, which is the 24V Flyer, was around $12,900.00. This of course was US dollars. So there is a starting price point as far as Frank goes.


    jay kilroy

  10. Goonie,


    We try to use our real names here on this forum. Anyway contact Frank Rush at Tiffen. frush@tiffen.com he is the sales manager for Steadicam. I am not sure there will be much price comparison, directly from Tiffen I would assume will give you the best price. Places like B&H and Optex would have to mark up the price to make money off the sale, I would think...I have no idea though??? What kind of information do you want to know about the Flyer? Maybe I can help, I just got dome working the Tiffen booth at CineGear I am really up on all my facts right now. LOL. By the way tell Frank I gave you his name, he won't give you any deal, I just want the credit, LOL. :P


    Good luck,

    jay kilroy

  11. Sweet,


    That's what I'll do.

    Now that I've used an ultra vest, this one just doesn't seem to be the same. =)


    I'll have to order some of those today, and post back the details from tiffen for the others to see what the new people have learned. *grin*


    You might also want to try climbing stores like EMS. Or Grainger or McMaster Car, they might be a little cheaper. Also changing the velcro will help keep everything tight. A little tip...If you have a Clobbler (shoe repair guy) they have great sewing machines that will go through the heavy fabric. Don't forget the cross back straps too. If you need any help Peter Abraham does excellent work and could help you out I'm sure.




    p.s. How are you guys Bryan and Imran? Hope all is well.

  12. The Steadicam Operators Association Members and any other interested

    parties are invited to an Operators Evening with Tiffen on June 1, 2005.


    We will have Garrett Brown, Jerry Holway (Steadicam Inventors), a Tiffen

    Filter representative, Walter Klassen of Klassen Harness Company and David

    Amphlett of Gekko Technology available to provide information on recently

    introduced products at NAB. This a couple of days prior to CineGEAR and

    will allow individuals to spend extra time with the product of their

    specific interest which is not available during an exhibit venue.


    It will be an informal evening where members can have one on one with the

    inventors and representatives to understand our new Merlin, Archer and

    Clipper 2 Steadicam products. Of special interest are the individual components

    such as:

    G40 Arm with "Geo" Technology

    G50 Arm with "Geo and Ride control"

    New Standard Ultra Vest Design

    New LX vest

    New line of Compact vest

    New Open architecture Stage design

    Merlin Handhold Steadicam with Folding Caliper


    Other areas of interest are:


    Tiffen Filters including the newly introduced "Nude effects", "HD FX",

    "Low Light Polarizer" and the new 5.56 x 5.65 graduated filters will be



    Klassen line of Stabilizer harness and the new Garrett Brown "GB" front

    and back mount version will be shown.


    Gekko "kisslight" ring lights will be demonstrated by factory personnel

    who will be in attendance.


    This is not a sales presentation. It will be a technology session that

    will allow individuals to have hands-on in an informal environment.


    Light refreshments will be served. We will all adjourn to the

    Burbank Grill later for a burger.


    We look forward to seeing you here at the Tiffen Technology and Steadicam

    Manufacturing Facility.


    Date: June 1, 2005

    Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

    Where: Tiffen Technology and Steadicam Manufacturing Facility

    Address: 6933 San Fernando Road

    Glendale, California 91201


    (Note- Just South of Alameda on right side of street)

    Turn right on Graham to access parking lot.


    Telephone: 1.818.843.4600



    Thanks to Frank Rush and everyone at Tiffen for getting this together.

  13. Premium SOA Search Placement


    As an added benefit to those SOA Members that sign-up for our Demo Reel Service your SOA Profile will now receive Premium search page placement. All Demo Reel enabled profiles will be listed first, in a different color, on the top of each state/country search page to help highlight and promote your demo reel. This feature is available NOW.


    We are also working on a counter to track the number of times your demo reel has been viewed. So you can see the effectiveness of having your demo reel available on SOA. This feature is coming soon.


    To learn more about the SOA Demo Reel Service click the following link or login in to your SOA Member Login: steadicam-ops.com



    jay kilroy

    VP, SOA

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