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jay kilroy

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Posts posted by jay kilroy

  1. Hey guys I wanted to pass on some info I received about Skycam training. I just received an email from Garrett. He has spoken with Roy Patton from Skycam. He is the gentleman Garrett had you email if you were interested. Roy has been bombarded with emails from people who were interested, far more than they thought they would get. It is taking some time to sift through them all. He apologizes for the delay and will try to contact some of you. I hope this helps.


    Jay Kilroy, VP SOA

  2. Just wanted to let everybody know we made a huge step in the bringing together of the East Coast Operators. Ben Seminoff, owner/operator @ Top Hat Productions sponsored an outing today. Mike O'Shea, Alan Melbrecht and myself got together on Ben's wife's boat for a fishing trip. The west coast guys get together every once and a while, now the East Coast guys have had there first outting. It was a good day for all involved, especially Ben who had the only keeper of the day. A whopper of a flounder coming in at 18". Needless to say there was a lot of steadicam talk. We are thinking of passing the hat to everyone to get a bigger boat and keep this up. Maybe with a few more ops next time. All donations can be sent to me and we will really get this yatch thing worked out. Who knows maybe we could boat trip over to the left coast and bring both factions together at last.

  3. You really really need to take a workshop. It's the best thing for anyone. You said you are in an education setting. Not really sure what that means but maybe you could look up Peter Abraham, he is starting some "Workshops on Campus". He is tailoring these workshops to colleges and thier production classes. Look him up on this site or www.steadicam-ops.com I also suggest everytime you put the rig on, you tell the person in charge that you need a workshop. You know what they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. make enough noise and you might get the grease.

  4. I have turned to the masses. Anyone have any pictures of any atv setups to mount a steadicam to. I am helping a friend design his new atv for some different mounts. I was hoping to get any feedback from some operators who either have an atv or used one. You know, any info on what you liked, didn't like, any links to pictures of some or email addresses of someone who would share the knowledge. Thanks Guys!

  5. I don't claim to know any parties involved, but as an observer of this ridiculus thread, come on. It's obivious this guy Steve just wants some attention. If he didn't why come back to the forum? You said you'd fix the guys rig, you qouted him a price, stick to it. Now you leave and take the rig with you? Come guy, you can't be serious. You got your attention, you had your sick fun, now give the guy his rig back.

  6. Hey all, I am in the process of fixing a part of an old 3A stage. Actually I think it may be an old PRO "Donkey Box" Stage. Anyway I need to remove the dove tail plate slide locking part, does this make sense to anyone? I have a picture I'll try to attach. Does anyone know how this part is removed? Does it just unscrew and I am too much of a wuss to turn it? Help need it for a job tomorrow.

  7. Well gentlemen this is where I should introduce myself, my name is Jay Kilroy. I am an operator in the Philly area. I took the SOA workshop about 6 years ago. I stayed in contact with Mike, Jerry and Garrett. Mike has pretty much taken over the duties of the SOA with Jerry and Garrett's help ofcourse, and now mine. Mike is pretty busy with his job on 3rd Watch. Jerry and Garrett are also quite busy with their endeavors as well. Anyway to wrap up a short story that went long I am helping Mike with the SOA stuff. We recently posted some updates on other workshops and would be glad to post other updates that anyone may have. Feel free to contact the site throught the aol account at callcam@aol.com. I hope tis all made sense.



  8. Its terrible that this is the trend and the forecast for the future of the steadicam industry. The whole reason Garrett started the SOA, which I believe this forum grew out of was to let operators have a place to exchange ideas and tips with each other. This is still stressed at the SOA workshops out here in PA. It surprises me that the left coast is so cut-throat, or at least it seems that way to this right coaster. Please don't shred me too hard for this post. LOL.

  9. Thought you guys might find this interesting. Maybe your protests have already started???


    By Stuart Kemp and Scott Roxborough

    Hollywood Reporter

    Updated: 10:45 p.m. ET Feb. 05, 2004


    Miramax Films co-chairman Harvey Weinstein said Thursday he believes the low Oscar-nomination count for ?Cold Mountain? was due in part to stories in the U.S. press attacking the moviemakers? decision to shoot the U.S. Civil War drama in Europe and not America.

    Weinstein, who jetted in to support the Anthony Minghella-directed story, which opened the Berlin International Film Festival, hinted that there had been a whispering campaign against the production because the filmmakers chose to shoot largely in lower-cost Romania.

    Said Weinstein: ?I?m proud of ?Cold Mountain? being a European film. The movie has done $80 million at the U.S. box office so far and is on its way to $100 million. But I think it (being shot in Romania) did hurt us with the Academy (voters).?

    Weinstein stopped short of calling it a boycott by voters but said negative press may have resulted in ?a move to deny the movie awards.? The film received seven Oscar nominations, but not in the key best picture and director categories.

    Said Minghella: ?There has been a reaction in America and a real campaign to stop movies leaving America to shoot.?

    While Minghella said he understood the criticism, he defended his decision to shoot in Romania on economic terms. ?It was a choice between making the movie (outside America) or not,? he said. ?We still spent nearly $20 million in the U.S.?

    Weinstein also attacked what he called American ?discrimination? against European films and cited an example of how few are seen in the United States.

    ?We believe in European quotas because European movies are discriminated against in America,? Weinstein said. ?The major networks in America have not shown one single European movie in 25 years.?

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