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Tom Petropoulos

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Posts posted by Tom Petropoulos

  1. Hello,


    I was watching Monday night football last night and noticed a steadicam operator on the field. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how the operators get those gigs? it was the Steeler/Ravens game played in Pittsburgh, do you think the Op was a local?

    Also I would like to be a shooter for NFL films, and advice on how do get in?




  2. I will be in town the week of December 7 to the 11th for the DV Expo in LA, I was wondering will there be any sort of Steadicam Op gathering? I am an Op from the East cost, and would like to get together and talk shop or just have a cold one.




  3. Hey,


    I saw an old U2 music video last night (Where the Streets have no name) and I noticed that there was an Op on the roof with the band, I never noticed this before. just curious who was the Op?




  4. Guys,


    Thank you for all the input, I am going to do a little bit of re-editing.

    All the advise was very helpful. I thought the advise about the first 30 seconds of a demo reel was very useful and important. Do you guys have any recommendation on what the best shot was so I can place it at the begining?


    When I have the new version up I will let you know so you can take a look.


    Best Regards,


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