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Erwin Landau

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Posts posted by Erwin Landau

  1. $550 for a battery, a bit expensive I think...especially if a dionic 90 or hytron can do the job too...


    I'm really thorn between the hytron 50's and the dionic 90's...is the hytron's technology old? the dionics work better with more stuff atteched to your sled, right?


    Do you think a couple of 90's or 50's will do it? In what case would you wanna take the bigger versions of either series?


    ALso, read through the SL manual, they talk about the voltage stabilizer, is that necessary?



    Hmmm... Expensive, yes.


    But keep in mind that this is the introductory price which coincidentally is exactly the price of the Hytron 50 when they came out... what was it 1999? Now $230.-

    And exactlly the same price of the Dionic 90 when they came out around 2006? Now $400.- a piece.


    Wait a year or so... when many people bought them... and the price will drop as demand and volume rise. All the new toys are pricy... nothing new here.


    I have the 90ies (8) for the camera and the 50ies (4) for AKS like lights, receiver, handheld monitors... etc.


    The Hytron's will, as many times discussed here on the forum, crap out on high current draw applications... check the threads with the warning to use Proformers when running the 435 on the PRO 2 battery cage in high speed...


    I don't want to carry the bigger brigs... why would I. And you will throw a fit when paying $995.- for the Dionic 160... you thought $500.- was much... and you can't fly with them... again check the many discussions.


    I wrote/replied to a couple of posts about the Moviecam and the fact that that camera is a 20 Volt camera, will still run on 14 Volts even though off speed (20 frames), does not like much more then the 24 Volt nominal... And likes to go up in smoke when fired by Hytron or Dionic hot of the press...



    Did I forget anything?

  2. What is the word I'm looking for...? Oh... I remember... "Hell NO!"


    Having spend almost a half a million of my own money. They can find another fool to do so...


    I had calls and do from time to time rent parts of my kit, usually spares, to other ops or production companies. But keep in mind the famous words that I'm sure many have uttered or have heard in the past: "Oh don't worry about it, It's a rental!" and that's your "Baby" that they are talking about... They will treat and handle it like it's a rental.


    I categorically refuse to rent my whole rig... Don't want someone else to sweat into my personal Vest. Don't want someone else to put more dents into my PRO arm... I remember every nick and ding and when and where I did that boo boo.

    Don't want someone that is not familiar at how my little nick nacks go together to break any of my mostly ancient artifacts that I carry around or worse lose them... How will you charge someone especially a Producer for little scratches or huge dents that they will dismiss as regular wear and tear even though you just bought it brand new and it still had the factory smell when it left you a couple of days ago... but not anymore.


    There are a few actually very few friends that can have all of my stuff... and for free... but that are a few and they will treat it as if it's there own... but none of them is a Producer.


    Also what does that tell you about you as the operator when your "client" will rent your rig but not you with it? "Oh by the way you suck, but can we have your stuff for that other kid that is better but he has no gear..." "F@%# you too!"



    Just my 2 cents...



    PS: If you are serious about your craft, and it is a craft, not just a job... You will have to take the full week one and not just a two day one, maybe even several times (It's said that Jim Muro, THE all mighty crazy steadi guy, didn't get it until the second time around)... I have only been doing it for a little over 9 years and only now I'm starting to get the bigger shows (that's after hundred plus features and many many shorts, commercials and Music Videos on top) and I took six refresher Workshops with PRO and I still learned something new every single time I took one. And I will take the next one again...


    You will suck the first time around... and as you gather more experience and you are honest with yourself, you will go back and look at your old stuff and admit you sucked... but only then when you can admit that you truly sucked you can excel and get better... I look at some stuff I did a couple of years ago and am shacking my head that they didn't fire me then and there... I got better... but there are still days when I shake my head... AFTER the director jumped of the chair and proclaims that that was the best shot he has ever seen... and I'm asking myself if we where watching the same image... because in my eyes... it sucked.


    Oh well... rant. Appreciate or Ignore... your choice.

  3. Jerry,


    The announcement of the new AB batteries was a courtesy of Paul Dudeck. Nobody has seen or used the batteries officially as of yet... not sure about beta testers here on the forum... but nobody has replied to the other thread.




    Again in that other thread it's mentioned that they would be available beginning May.


    So for your Moviecam question... nobody would know exempt for the tech guys at Anton Bauer... And I doubt they tested it on anything else then Video cameras as that is there main business. We are a somewhat profitable side endeavor. I think Film cameras will be later down the road... it's more about the power hogs of the HD flavor.


    No other info available until NAB...

  4. FYI: Even though I hate to mention it Filmtools (I'm not taking anything away from Stan's dedication, business or friendship, it's top notch) is a dealer for Backstage, not sure if they carry the stand but still. I was always the proponent of buying from the source and create relationships with the manufacturer, especially if they do custom gear. Sig will modify it to meet your needs... Filmtools treats it as from the shelf...



    American stand... the 2 riser is heavier and much more expensive. I'm 6'4" and I use the single riser... but that comes down to your liking. I don't use wheels and have only minimal equipment hanging from the stand. All is on my cart... I want to be able to move my stand with one hand while I'm wearing the rig... but that's me...

  5. And Guess what... you still can apply it to your business as long as you are incorporated and the Manufacturer will fill out the form... I have been paying 3% sales tax all over town... doesn't hurt to ask the guy before he swipes the credit card...



    Also Backstage has a couple of other nice things... courtesy of yours truly...





    The regular size for the wheels is 8 inch. But i have seen 6 inch as well as 10 inch versions coming out of Backstage... Ask Sig... they make all kinds of custom stuff.

  6. For Sale:


    Preston DM-1 motor with 15mm rod and 0.8 output gear .25" wide.


    Had a full service, total overhaul with all bearings and bushings replaced, just got back from Preston today.


    Mechanical as new condition.

    Motor Housing has regular wear and tear



    Condition Used.



    $2885.- new, asking $2400.-










  7. The PRO II RIG is currently not HD-SDI capable. You can however feed the monitor with an analog composite NTSC/PAL or externally hardwire HD-SDI.




    In the works and coming soon. Saw the prototype and the parts. It will require a new rewired upper junction, new center post cable (that will fit in your old post) and a new rewired lower junction box (battery cage stays, just 6 screws and it's off).

  8. It shows again, you get what you pay for...


    $ 16.95 for 7.2 Volt, 1300mA ...


    Mine where $40.- for 7.4 Volt 1800mA


    I had heard from assistants the same..."Oh you have the new Handunit... where is your charger and do you have spares?" game but I have still to change a battery on set. Actually I do to the fact that I never charge them because they live usually for a week on my unit... I pop 'em on at the beginning of the day and a couple of days later I pop the next one on... I have 5 batteries... I thought I would go through them like popcorn... Oh well at least I have enough and as they fit also the Focus Iris unit and the wireless Micro force... I will not have to buy more...

  9. Hey Brad,


    The usual price for the Sony M-style batteries is between $35.- and $50.- a piece. You can get them as generic or brand...


    The guys that are making the HU-2 upgrade have some with fuel gauge and sell for $45.-

    I got some from Preston for $50.- and some from Fry's at $40.-...


    But any price is beating the $350.- for the HU-2 Batteries.



    $15.- seams very low, you might get some batteries like the cheapo from China that will last you 50 cycles and then you have to get new ones, or spend a little more and get 250 to 300 or more cycles out of the batts...



    Good Luck.

  10. It depends very much on your budget and what cameras you are going to power.


    If you buy batteries that will not power your camera of choice, you did the wrong decision...

    If you run out of power before the end of the day, you did the wrong decision...


    You have to ask yourself the following:


    - What battery style will run all my equipment and the cameras that I will be using?

    (Not all Cameras come with a battery, or the onboard battery is pushing you over the weight limit... so you have to be able to power them from your rig)

    - What style is common in my market?

    (Anton Bauer Gold Mount, Sony V-mount, Paglocks)

    - How much money can or will I be spending?

    (how many batteries, how many chargers)


    All these questions are very subjective and nobody can make that decision for you.


    Some like the AB Dionics, some like the Endura or Power Cubes, some like something else...


    Do the research and find the set up that fits your operating style and budget.



    Good luck.

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