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Erwin Landau

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Posts posted by Erwin Landau

  1. Charles,


    39 lbs is the total payload that the original EFP arm was rated at. So as usual add the fail safe buffer and you reach the breaking point. (FYI: the 3A arm and the EFP arm are virtually the same unit the same parts, etc. The only difference was the spring capacity, Black versus Gold... not so with the Gimbal which was weaker on purpose).... so:


    It's rated for 39 lbs (17.5 Kilogramm)



    Fly safe,




  2. No apologies needed...


    I'm also not an english speaker.


    I'm just saying...


    You upgraded your Arm and Vest and did obvious mods to your rig but you are using a Video Gimbal... that is rated for a max of 39 lbs (17.5 kg) but you have an arm that will carry up to 72 lbs (32.5 kg) you see what I'm getting at?

    Just be careful because somethings gotta give... and it's always the weakest link... in this picture it's your gimbal. It's cast so it will, one day in the near future, just snap... so don't be surprised.


    Again the fact that you can shouldn't mean you should.



    Just my 2 cents... good luck (and I mean it).




  3. Hi Niko,


    Wow... You are pushing your luck...


    The fact that you can, doesn't mean you should. You can rev your engine up to 9000 RPM... do that for several hours and your engine will be toast. Every time you stress material to it's limit you are weakening the structure and one day it will blow up in your face.


    The EFP was designed for Video cameras ONLY. That's what the name stands for EFP (Electronic Field Production). A lot of time and thought went into detuning the parts from the 3A (which most parts originated) and make it non upgradeable. At that time the established Ops were wiry of new guys getting in the business for half the price. The only available steadicam at that time was the 3A that started at $42'000.- the EFP started at $23'500.- (1990 price list) and was non upgradeable with Blue springs. You were able to buy "spare arms" but only with the spring color you already owned.


    The 3A gimbal and the EFP gimbal look the same exempt the "hole" in the fork. But the 3A is machined versus the EFP that was cast. The early EFP arms (Blue Springs) had a Camera payload of 12 to 24 lbs. as the later models (Black Springs) had a total payload of 24 to 39 lbs. The 3A Gold arm came from the factory and topped out at 57 lbs. That weight is reflected in the way the 3A gimbal was made. So make no mistake, CP didn't meant to make the EFP be capable to handle anywhere close to it's top model and that was on purpose. Want more performance, dig deeper in your pockets.


    Now almost 20 years later... the units are still around, have been abused for decades, have tons of hair fractures and new ops with there tight money conscience go and throw a 535 on top of it... You wouldn't just drop a 600 horse power engine into a rusty pinto, would you? But that's what you are doing.


    The EFP is the equal of a ProVid or now an Archer... that's basically what you are using and ad 20 years of abuse...


    Good Luck, you will need it.







  4. Seams that somebody doesn't want people to have a looksy at the gut of the Gimbal... or he would supply a wrench with it, like every other manufacturer out there...


    I opened one... regret it to this day...

  5. Oh great...


    Are we there again.



    Okay then if we stay with the automobile analogy then everybody that drives anything that is not a Mercedes Benz is driving a fraking cheap copy... right?


    Oh please... and yes I'm exited about tomorrow... frak yeah!

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