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Erwin Landau

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Posts posted by Erwin Landau

  1. Hi Steven,


    Could be an issue with the High Voltage Power Supply. I had one of my TB-6's send to Greg Bubb a couple of weeks ago. It started with a fuzzy picture and then it would lose picture intermittent and finally the screen stayed dark, but the Power indicator LED was still on. Had to send it in.


    As far as I know GPI is no longer manufacturing Green screens but does still accept the Monitors for service, actually they send it off to Warren and he takes care of the repair. Give them a call.



    Also, could you please use your real name or use your old account (S. Adelson) I send you a message.


    Good Luck with your monitor.





  2. We are starting to ride this topic to death...


    If you want to do that as a living, it is mandatory to take a week long workshop. Can you do it on your own? Sure and it will take you ten times as long and you will make every mistake imaginable in the book. Why repeat all the wrong things when an experienced op as instructor can push you in the right direction without the wasted time of trail and error. You still make mistakes but you will be instantly put right back where you should be.


    Imagine that Camera Operating is like driving a car and Steadicam is like learning to drive a tractor trailer truck. You have to get your driver license first and then you learn the needed additional skills to navigate the big ass truck... with an instructor. Not to do so is like renting a big truck and trying to move your room mate... good luck! I know my analogy sucks but I think you'll get the point.


    If you don't have enough cash to afford a workshop and a rig, you might wanna wait and make some money first. Do a proper workshop, it also will show you if you are able and in fact the right person to take up that line of work. Usually by the 3rd or 4th day you already see people dividing into two camps... the ones that can't get quickly enough into the rig when it's there turn and the ones that take forever and do less and less... It could actually save you money two fold. First see if you actually want to do that for a living and then you might like the bigger rigs better and saves you the cash wasted on a smaller set up.


    But at the end it comes down to what you want to do. What do you expect us to tell you... actually it doesn't matter as you will be doing what you want anyways...


    I think you have enough information to do an educated guess and go from there... any advice you take or don't take is up to your character and will determine your future and were you are heading...


    Enough said.


    Fly safe,



  3. Explanation: My wife was the Producer on location, shot this photo of Dash. The sign was on a elevator they needed to film but it was broken.


    So you could use, you just would be wasting your time standing in it and when coming out would look stupid...

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  4. I was just wondering if there was place in NYC that i may be able to take a look at it or fix the problem.


    I am just baffled every time I read a request like that. When you buy a Steadicam product, don't you get an address or a phone number for questions or emergencies or things like that? Am I missing something?




    The Tiffen Company

    90 Oser Avenue

    Hauppauge, NY 11788

    Tel: 631 273 2500

    Fax: 631 273 2557

    Toll Free: 1 800 645 2522

    Email: techsupport@tiffen.com

  5. Hi Rusty,


    There was a discussion a while back and if I rember right, the mutual concense was that the whole pattern is the same.

    Charles Papert would be the best source as he has modified his Flyer quite extensively.


    Good luck to you down under.





  6. It looks to me that people are confused what I was advertising in the for sale section of this forum.



    The version 10 case cart consists of 4 cases:


    A- Sled case

    B- Vest and Arm Case

    C- Battery and AKS Case

    D- Docking case and stove away for the docking stand


    Available to people that are interested are the 2 left cases (A and B ) as well as (later in a couple of weeks) the custom wheels (Ultra light wheels with full foam tires), handles (4 Backstage style), caster wheel receivers with 6 positions for the casters (Yeager cart style, 4 rail pieces) and various bits and pieces... (additional parts to complete the cart can be purchased from various vendors, I can provide a list and contacts as well as contacts for additional parts).


    I originally advertised them as single cases as I was not aware that so many people where actually interested in recreating the cart...


    I am trying to link all these explanations and picture together for clarification.


    And finally: This is a "one of" prototype and there is no production planned anytime soon, nor am I interested in pursuing a production. So once it's gone, it's gone.



    Fly safe, dock safer!




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  7. Seems like that post got lost somehow... or at least i couldn't find it anymore... so sorry for the repost:

    Bye Bye Cart, Hello Cases...

    So finally it's done... Steadicam cart #10... at least almost, still needs some refinement... but you'll get the idea.

    That was actually my original idea, but the tech was not there at the time I wanted to build it. So cart #9 was it, a compromise (http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=228&&page=2).

    Aluminum cart with fitted cases... The cart alone weight in at 150lbs... just to hold my cases and act as a dock for my rig.

    The cases had to be modified to still "work" as the 3 inch lip had to be taken in account when finding spots for drawers, etc.

    Also building the cases out of wood would have made the cases way to heavy…

    I had plans for Carbon fiber cases… (I might revisit that design for a future version… or not, we'll see) but was referred to this case company (The A&S Case Company in North Hollywood) that had started to use another exotic material the aluminum honeycomb carbon sandwich boards, they call it "Flyweight" , you walk on the same stuff when you board an airplane, half the weight of wood, three time the rigidity… a good start.

    Here some pix:


    Dock safe,


  8. Since you would have half of the cart, it's up to you to create the rest of it to be in the confines of the size that you would need. Just saying... I am replacing the two that are for sale with a single one, that's all. I am still convinced that the idea is sound, just the execution was not up to (my) parr. It's now down to refining and adding parts that were not available when I was designing it and to suite me... which might not work or suite you.

    Also as I learned, unless you have your own van, you have no space on the Camera "Truck" (more like mini truck or van) and the whole cart culture that I learned about in LA is wasted on central european productions... they like to haul everything on there shoulders... go figure!


    I gave up to build for or even accommodating other people... I did a small run with the version 9 cart to make it cheaper and speed up the production. It ended up being 5 carts and at the end I had compromised so much for my use to make it work with different rigs and for different operators that my final version was... a compromise. 4 guys were happy as a clam... and I am on version 11... enough said.


    I am making one that works for me... what you do later down the road it's up to you. I am keeping all the original plans... what the manufacturer does with the idea (as shown in the past, usually nothing or so far removed from the original idea that nobody is buying it) is up to him.





  9. Hi Evrim,


    The K-section was the word that somebody at Cinema Products came up with to describe the monster box that was the Lower Electronics housing on the Master Series (apparently). In my opinion it resembled more a "Z"... the original idea was (according to the original patent drawings) that an intricate pulley system would connect the Monitor Bracket with the Battery Bracket, so that if you pushed in or pulled out either of the two, the opposite would do the same at a predetermined rate.


    You pull out the Monitor, the Batteries would get pushed out to keep the Sled in Balance, either or, or both Dynamically as well as Statically. It never made it into production and the pulleys where abandoned, (wonder why...ehm). But at that point the industrial design was set and it went into production that way... at least that was the story that I was told by different sources at CP back then. I actually liked the look of the Master quite a bit, it beat the look of the 3A that I was able to use at Clairmont Camera at that point in time... until I actually had to use it during the workshop and later on set... then my left knee was magically attracted to that part of the rig, especially on stairs.



    I was taught to call that section of the rig the "K"-section at the Cinema Products Malibu Classic back when. We were using 2 of the Ultra prototypes, besides 2 Masters, A Provid and a Mini with the rejected Mini Prototype arm which became later the Pilot Arm I believe. Even at trade shows it was referred as such as late as the introduction of the Ultra 2... At least to me... as I recall the conversation: ("...we got rid of the bulky K-section, we would call it... I don't know... like a miniature K-scetion, the little "K"?... the equivalent of the lower J-box on your PRO... big laugh...). You might want to re-educate the staff at Tiffen about that change then...


    What would you like me to call that part of a Tiffen rig then? Mine is and always was the LEH (lower electronics housing) on my Ultimate and before that the Lower J-box (Junction box) on my PRO's. I always like to learn something new... I am waiting impatiently at the edge of my seat!





  10. I'm very tempted. But I actually like your new upgraded version you posted on this forum better. Are you selling those as well or could I come to Switzerland and have one custom made for me?


    Hi Markus,


    It's a constant work in progress. I am working on version 11(which is half of version 10). The cases that I am selling was an attempt at version 10. (Version 9 is still in LA, Version 8 is in London, previous versions are spread across the US, The riser unit, vest holder, Steadicart from Backstage, that many are using these days in the industry, were the direct result from discarded versions, even Inovativ is copying my Vest holder design!),

    As it turns out, the cases completely build (all 4 with all AKS), were exactly half an inch to long to fit into a standard european elevator, the fact is, the drawings where correct, but by trying to maintain the inside dimensions rather then the outside dimension the builder grew the cart by 2 inch. Normally it wouldn't be a problem (in the states) but here it is.

    Also I wasn't happy with the compelling system...


    That are the main reasons why I am selling them (the two cases), they are brand-new and never used. The cost and effort of cutting them down to size is beyond any reasonable effort as well as they would suffer cosmetically... So I am getting a replacement made. The money from the sale goes right back into R&D of the new version.


    All the cases where made in the USA. And all I have found on manufacturing companies so far in my area in Switzerland was not up to parr with what I wanted/was accustomed to. So I am doing it myself. I am working with it on set, if it works and I like it, it stays if not I'll take the power tools to it. Lot's of people think it's over kill but I just like a certain order in my tools... I guess I am a neat freak when it comes to my tools, bikes, cars, helicopters, etc... My office its still a mess though...


    In a couple of weeks there will be more parts for sale from version 10. Wheels, mounts, handles, parts, etc...


    I hope somebody can create their own version with help of the parts that I no longer need...






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  11. All you color connoisseurs and smart asses... I think it's RAL 3001 Signal Red.


    First of all, I like Red and second of all, the color choice came down to actually wanting the cart to stick out. I can't say how many time I had carts in the frame that where during filming "don't worry we can't see them in frame" hidden.


    That never happens with the red one, everybody immediately can see it AND MOVE IT out of frame. Works like a charm, also transpo can't say they left it because they didn't see it... still happens but way less...


    Be safe and keep that red thing out of the frame ;)



    BTW: RED I was first all my stuff was red when you guys still were making Sun Glasses!

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