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Erwin Landau

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Posts posted by Erwin Landau

  1. Hi,


    Please change your Login Name to your full first and last name.


    No worries about the language most people will understand you... I'm still learning!


    Also more information about what you are looking for can help getting the right information to you. What weight range are you looking for, Prosumer Video, Broadcast Video, Film?


    You state that you bought a Steadicam Aviator a couple of months ago... so are you upgrading? Already?


    $14'000.- will not buy you much, especially if you are looking into a full blown Film setups...

  2. I started with a PRO vest from new, I tried all the vests on the market at the time but once I tried the PRO I never considered anything else. I'm not going to bore you again how I got into the Klassen vest... read the archives.


    After using the Klassen for almost 5 years I received my 4th PRO vest 7 months ago and have used it almost exclusively. I lost a lot of weight and after 2 alterations to the Klassen I hit the wall with adjustability. As of late I had more and more the sleepy leg syndrome to that point that I crashed once (check archives). I have been back and forth for a while and for the last 5 or so months haven't used it at all. I miss the rock solid lock off's (I'm getting better) and the added booming range but I don't miss the hip pain and the prickle sensation when the feeling was returning to my left leg...


    Don't get me wrong Walter is the man and his product is top notch. But you have to go with what your body is telling you...


    In the moment it's the PRO... maybe in a couple of months I will try the Klassen again... I'm not selling it for now that for sure...





  3. Hi Peter,


    Sorry but that would be like buying a Ferrari and putting a Fiat engine in because it's easier to fix...


    First of all I do not believe that the Motor will be able to communicate with the MDR (Motor Driver) without mods at what point you are making a one of (no easy exchange in a bind), only the Micro Force is modified to work with the range of Heden Motors. (I could be wrong, check with Howard Preston on that...)

    Second, the actual selling point for the Preston were and still is the range of the DM series of motors. One of my DM-1 motors is over 10 years old and just had it's second service from new (opened it up, checked, no wear, closed it, done). I own 4 motors and had in 6 years only one go down on me on set (AC fried a DM-2 as he left it stoled on a sticky lens for a half an hour). BTW: 24 hour turnaround on that repair.


    Yes I am bias about Heden. I had received very poor costumer service with my then VP-28 when it came out and didn't work properly. So I followed Magnus's advice... enough said.


    Anyhow, I have received only the best and fastest service from Preston.


    So I don't see the reasoning in using any other motors with a Preston.



    Just my rambling,



  4. Ehh, isn't that the other way around? The Moviecam compact existed long before the Arricam ST/LT, in fact, the reason for Arri to buy Moviecam was exactly that they needed their technology/movement, they could not make anything lighter than that and were stuck with the BL type movement.



    Yeah the Arricam is based on the Moviecam... and the Arricam returned the favor to the Compact MK2. You open up the door and the Arricam name just pops from all the parts in the movements... The View finder is ST the Video Assist is ST etc.... Haven't seen an original Compact in a while now... it's like a second coming for the old lady...


    About the 535B... after a day with it, my knees hurt... everybody is like: "How is your Back?" Fine it's the ankles, knees and hips that are going down the pooper... I did 5 hours with a 435 today all down hill on a mountain... Just two words: Knees Hurt!




  5. The 535B has been my bread and butter for the last 2 years. The company claims that the Moviecam Compact would come back with to many Film scratches... Shooting Fuji Film mainly which has a slightly thicker Emulsion.

    Even though I fly the 535B it is an understanding that not all moves are possible with that camera and I have last refusal on the move. No running what so ever... For days like that I get a 435 or a 235, quick moves, no sound. No discussion.


    I refuse to fly either BL's or Gold's... not to talk about the 535A.


    Every single time I used the Aaton 35 we had issues. And it's actually hard to find these days. Also not a big fan of the Moviecam SL, sometimes just too light especially with super speed lenses. Carbon body... it's noisy indoors and can give you light leaks because of the warping body.


    The Moviecam Compact MK2 is a great camera as it's very much a rehoused Arricam ST (Movement, motor, Viewing system etc.) The Arricam ST is virtually the same camera. I also would put the Panavision Millennium into that bunch as well.


    Favored Sync Sound cameras would be the Arricam LT. Initially to light after adding 2 FF motors, Cinetape, Transmitter, filters... it's the perfect weight. Panavisions LW2 and the Millennium XL are only tainted by the fact that you have to deal with Panavision.


    My believe is, if they are already not paying you your rate... the least they can do is make your life easier and get a decent Camera to work with... (Because if they are looking at the BL to begin with you will do a lot on that production) or you can wait until the guy that does fly that rust bucket of a camera hurts himself... (sorry couldn't resist...)



    Just my 2 cents,




  6. When I met Brian way back in Switzerland and checked out his rig design for the first time, he told me that he had made an arm for a Japanese operator that was able to hold 80 plus Pounds...


    You should talk to Brian directly as he does mods for the individual op. Also I believe that he had modified that arm (The double wind up spring design) in the past to be used with the "traditional" steadicam parts... like vest or rig...


    It works on the same principal as the traditional 3A, it performs best in the middle booming range (boomed not to high and not to low) and at close of the maximum weight it can handle (less springy).


    Good Luck,




  7. I had the anti glare film added to my old Cine 3 and it does what it's suppose to do. It reduces the glare, specially on extreme angles while operating... and it protects your screen from severe scratches. It does not turn your LCD into a green screen (visibility wise) but it improves it quite a bit. It wasn't enough for me and I returned to full time Green screen as my main and secondary monitor. So yes, it's worth while if the Cine 3 is your main monitor.



  8. I wanted to see if anybody in the LA area was interested to trade some Silver Spring Steadyrig Arm Covers.

    I have the all Black ones in great condition and was looking for the original Blue and Black ones...


    LA area preferred for easy swop.


    Please contact me if interested...







  9. It's not really Steadicam related, but if you are doing a lot of handheld, you will appreciate it...


    I was visiting Geoff Shotz on the set of the TV-series "Caveman" which is a handheld heavy show and they where using some nice pads that I had not seen before:




    And I bought one:




    So far I was using the one from Modular 51:




    Just an FYI... to save your shoulders...




  10. Hi Dan,


    Try: (They are dealers here in LA...)




    Talk to: David Jones


    work 1 (818) 841-9655

    work fax 1 (818) 841-7649

    other 1 (818) 841-0626


    home page www.bandpro.com


    3403 West Pacific Ave.

    Burbank CA 91505



    Thomas Guide: 533-C6

  11. Oh that sucks...


    Sounds like an inside job... who knew that you had your Preston in the car, or that you lived there...


    Post as soon as possible all the serial numbers. Let Howard know and also post it with PERA.



    Sorry to hear that... been there. That Suuuuuuucks.



    Good Luck,





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