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Erwin Landau

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Posts posted by Erwin Landau

  1. For Sale:

    Custom Shipping and On-set Cases


    One (1) Vest and Arm case designed around the PRO Vest and PRO Arm.

    Meant to be used as a place to store the Vest and Arm while working on set to keep both safe, clean and/or dry as well as means to transport/ship said items. Vest compartment has an additional partition for Docking Bracket. Lid opens either to just access the Arm and Vest or opens completely to also reveal an additional compartment for fowl weather gear, additional cloths or add. gear, etc. With Lock for safety on set, (Keys provided) as well as latches for TSA locks. Outside dimensions: 22 x 26 x 22 1/2 inches, weight: 52 lbs.

    New Price: $1800.- (Plus tax)

    One (1) Sled or AKS drawer case. (Fits my XCS Sled, no guaranty it will fit any other).

    Meant to be used as a safe place for your rig or additional gear to be stored on set and transported/shipped to location. Drawer will extend all the way out of the Case and is removable. Latches for TSA locks. Outside dimensions: 22 x 26 x 10 inches, weight: 36 lbs.

    New Price: $1200.- (Plus Tax)

    The size of the two cases is matched to be mounted on top of each other and screwed together to be used as a single unit (Screws included) but they can be also used individually. Manufactured out of Flyweight (Special aluminum honey comb style material made by and for the A&S Case Company North Hollywood). Aluminum parts all around exempt for the polished stainless steel Corners.

    They where shipped only once via FedEx and have very light shipping scuffs, but are brand-new inside (still have the glue smell!), never used on set.


    Selling both for $1500.-

    Priced for quick sale as I am running out of space in my storage unit (buyer pays for shipping and, if requested, for additional packaging material, after all they are shipping cases)

    Cases are located in Europe (Switzerland)



    Erwin Landau


  2. Hi Jameson,

    Oh memories…

    In retrospect it was/is a great little Camera. The Lightweight II was the camera to get, but anyhow…

    I included a picture from my old set up (PRO Lite) that was almost to the day 10 years ago (nov. & dec. 2002, shoot at the Paramount backlot), the only thing that I still own from that set up is the TB-6… wow.

    Some info:

    The camera is 24 Volt, using a two pin Lemo, the same you would find powering the Transvideo Titan.

    The run cable is a 10 pin hermaphrodite the same as with all Panavision cameras.

    You will need the dedicated Millennium camera to steadicam adapter brackets (it's a quick release dovetail plate with an additional lever that holds the camera in place, great for back and forth between Handheld, Sticks and steadi) to be able to mount the camera to your camera plate. (To prevent of flying it with the sliding baseplate, which you don't want, adds about 4 pounds to the mix).

    The low mode bracket attaches via the top magazine throat. (Very similar to the Genesis low mode bracket).

    The magazines are the regular 400' Pana mags, it puts it at about an 5 degree slant, there is a throat adapter that puts the magazine perfectly vertical but also pushes the mag back by about an inch. Some like it as it spreads the weight out… I preferred to keep it compact.

    Make sure you get the original Millennium mags, or the Lightweight mags… regular mags are heavy and throw off you balance.

    You don't need a 100% Video top, as the video is build into the body (it's NTSC, BNC's are on the dummy side of the camera), the viewfinder just slides off and the prism is covered by an integrated aluminum cover.

    Also make sure to get the clip on mattbox, you don't want to fly the iris rods as again they are heavy and one-sided attached…

    Getting the motors on to the lens can be challenging at times, also the gear pitch on the lens for focus is 32 which is equivalent to a regular 0.8 like the Zeiss or Cook or all "normal" lenses out there. The Iris is 64 and the Zoom is 48, so Panavision specific.

    As I see from your signature, you own an Archer… Is that rig 24 Volt capable? Not very familiar with the smaller rigs from Tiffen.

    Depending on the Lenses used (older glass or Anamorphic) or older mags used, you might very quickly run out of lift in your G50 Arm.

    You will have to offset the body to the smart side as the motor and the mirror are housed on the dummy side of the body.

    I usually got about 4 to 6 mags per battery set (13.2 Volt NiCads). Depending on standby time and amount of rehearsals of course, as long as the camera is not rolling they last forever.

    The camera flies beautifully. Perfect weight distribution… miss camera like that…

    The beauty about film is that once the AD screams rolling EVERYBODY shuts up immediately because we are burning film…


    It's been a year since I shot film… missing the days.


    Hope that helps, good luck with your project.

    Fly safe,



    PS: Do me and the AC a favor and always dock the rig with the lens facing to the left, makes life easier to get to the camera door and to to change the mag and thread the film... just a heads up!


    • Upvote 1
  3. First make sure you know who you're dealing with. Always a good first step, especially if the person is new to the forum, business, etc... Do inquire and if it looks like it sticks it usually does... Just saying...


    Wire transfer or PayPal worked very well for me in the past. Just make sure you receive/share the full payment information. Especially when using wire transfer, Bank address, BIC code, Swift number, etc. (Anything essential that matters, better more info then less... or the money will come back, happens all the time if info is missing). Depending on you account it can run you about $10.- to $25.- (If you have a Business account in the US, it's free of charge). PayPal is very painless again it's free or little fee depending on the kind of payment or transfer that you are making (Read the guideline on the website, purchase versus money transfer, etc).


    Usually the stuff that we send is expensive so I would go with a well known Shipper like Fedex, UPS, DHL, etc. Most guys do have a Fedex account or other shipping account, so just share the number. As the buyer usually (unless differently stated in the sales add) is responsible for shipping, he can decide what makes financially most sense. Also they usually provide packaging material, usually free or if specialized boxes like for computers, for a very reasonable price.


    Customs... that's a sticky one. Very much depends on the destination country, the declared item and value and very often the kind of breakfast the customs agent had that morning or if he just had a fight with his wife... I have paid no import tax on a $2000.- item and got taken to the cleaners on a $50.- useless spare part (paid $150.- tax on it). Also insurance is up to the buyer... what if it gets damaged in shipping and the buyer claims that you send him a faulty piece of equipment (happened to me). You can always declare it for way less then it's worth, but then again if you want to insure it, that doesn't work... also you might run into trouble in Europe if you want to sell equipment that you didn't pay import tax on... might bite you in the ass down the road.

    Also important is the wording of what is getting shipped. High precision one of a kind High intensity green screen versus used TV set... you get the point. Rarely anybody know what that stuff is that we are shipping. But again be sensible... trying to declare an i-phone as a used video cassette... will get you either a big tax bill or if you pissed of the wrong agent... big ass trouble.


    Customs agents are usually very nice guys unless you lie to them or they think that you are dishonest with them... then it get's very quickly very expensive... The fine for trying to "smuggle" (meaning anything that is taxable and you don't declare it when asked) taxable item into the country is the now presumed import tax (determined by the now pissed off agent) plus 200% of that determined import tax as fine. So triple the amount, if that fine reaches $5000.- it can be determined as a fellony... and then you are really in trouble... (that what I learned while being detained at a customs office a couple of years ago... was very enlightening and expensive)...


    The best packing material is the original box, or the custom made shipping case... if nothing is available go with a very sturdy box (like you would get from Box City or equivalent, if using a shipping company, they will provide a box free of charge)... don't skimp on the box air cargo is a dangerous place for our equipment... And use generous amounts of bubble wrap (preferably not popped) ... Pelican case left over foam... etc. Picture a disgruntled employee playing soccer with your package and you'll be fine.


    Hope that helps,


    Fly safe,



  4. Looks like I am a little late to the show...


    The other thread is already closed... Oh well...


    I didn't contribute as of late to the forum because I didn't have anything to say, really. Had not touched a rig in sometime and was not involved in any production, so what was I supposed to write about? I just did my maintenance and house keeping and stayed away. I also got bored and worn out by all the staff that goes on behind the forum (Online mudslinging is nothing in comparison). As I was always involved with what was going on with "the next new thing" I also couldn't or wouldn't comment on posts. A lot of bitting the tongue and moving on. It's a curse to know to much sometimes...


    Mudslinging was always going on here sometimes it's warranted and sometimes not... but it's always felt as unfair by the people that are on the receiving end, no exemptions. You can't change that. It's also the new way that people assume a Online persona that sometimes has nothing to do with the real person. You can be the nicest person but it does not translate to the internet. Good or Bad... it happens. As an example, That was the reason that we insisted on real names. Some people still have a problem with that... go figure. You have to stand up to what you say with full name. Many couldn't or wouldn't and they are no longer a part of this forum. (If you are the fifteen's person that week to register with a phony name and it's stated in the membership guidelines not to and you still refuse to change it? What do you expect? Nice words?) Any new moderator... beware stupidity is rampant everywhere! I always expect more but always get disappointed by people...


    There were several Steadicam related sites that had forums in the past and there are still a couple around, but none is as successful (with members and the amount of posts) and has stood the test of time like this one. I started with the old and now defunct AOL Folders. You had to be an AOL subscriber and back then it was the only way to stay in contact and it was there were most of the first generation Ops hung out. Many have moved on and are no longer involved with the craft, others are to busy or by now disillusioned with it... Some just bought a rig and are making movies and couldn't care less about the newest or hottest item... A short while ago I had a conversation with an Op that was doing $100 mio.+ movies and he didn't know what a Gorelock was... (I would love to trade with him in an instant)... he will never post here because he is busy making more movies then to waste his time with gear... he just calls me when something breaks...



    Eric is a dear friend and has been for a long time. So far it was always what you see is what you get with him and that has never changed. He is not always right (I'll pay for that one :) later) and not always refrained in his replies, but they are always genuine and to the point. He very often expressed what most of us just thought. Many people that felt the "wrath" of Eric also had it coming or interpreted a stern comment as an attack. It's the internet, the face is missing to tell you how to interpret the comment. But a lot of people are to sensitive to begin with. I am sure I will get some flack for posting this reply. I took a while back a time off because of the wrath of other members of this forum. They had their opinion, I had facts... didn't make any difference. I was harassed on and off forum... oh well, you put out your neck and somebody will try to get you with it... Get over it. I did.


    If you want to get everything pre chewed and as nice as possible, go to the manufacturers site. There is no point in a forum that gives you a sole answer from a manufacturer. And if someone is associated with a product he will always be bias towards it. You need sometimes another point of view, even if it's somewhat bias in it's own right (everybody is bias toward something). Every post is written with an agenda and the more different opinions you get, the better picture you will be able to make of the topic in question. If you don't like the response ignore it as most did and still do with my post, it's your right. But don't punish somebody because he says what's on his mind especially if it's the truth. Many can come on and post against it and say it's not like that and it still doesn't makes it the opposite. Most people don't have all the facts how that person came to that conclusion and most will never know.


    I hope that makes any sense... it's already 2am here...


    Back to Arms...


    We are very bias towards the equipment we use, because we use it with a reason and the reason is to make our next mortgage payment or next months rent, a living, etc. Everybody was in the situation when they where let down by a piece of gear and nobody wants to be in that situation again. So you build your kit around parts that work and work well for you. As well as based on developed preferences over a long carrier. So any question about your kit is somewhat emotional and will provoke an emotional response. So when you ask about a certain piece of gear you will get a turmoil that might be peppered with past experiences good or bad and will end with opposite opinions. And sometimes ends with a fist fight... or a steadicam shoot out... it depends...


    I have been using the PRO arm for the last 10 plus years. I didn't get it by choice but by faith, circumstance, luck (I guess)... my 3A arm was stolen and at the time Cinema Products was in chapter 11 and no product was leaving the factory so the only available Arm at the time was by GPI as concluded by my insurance company. And here we are. Saved my carrier. I was able to work and pay my bills again. At first I was missing my 3A arm, but the feeling went away quite quickly.


    I tried many Arm's along the way and used them in the field if I thought they were worth while or I already walked away at the trade show. Master, Ultra, ProVid, EFP, Artemis, ActionCam, Gold, Silver, G-series, etc. I almost tried them all... but none really gave me the right feel or the security I needed or wanted or it just felt alien and wrong.


    Tiffen was very nice and lend me a G70 a couple of years back. I managed to break the ride adjustment within the first 15 minutes I used it on the feature I was on... which didn't infuse me with great confidence. is it a fair assessment to dismiss the arm after 15 minutes? Would it been my only arm on set and would I not had my arm to fall back on... i would have been fired on the spot and no money would have been coming in... so guess for yourself.


    I tried the G-50X and the G-70X at this years Cinec in Munich. Even though they are a huge improvement and are coming very close to the feel that I got accustomed to from my PRO Arm, it still didn't klick. I guess to many factors were involved, different rig, different Gimbal, different vest (even though I really liked Chris's new vest). It was to many variables. Also it didn't help that the Gimbal from the Shadow, that i was trying, was taking big chunks of flesh out of my left thumb every time the Yoke bumper came close to it. I liked the three section Arm though.


    The best thing is to get hold of as much different Arms as you can... or in that case get the two Arm that you want to look at and use them side by side... that will tell you all you possibly want to know and go with what feels best to you... and as always keeping in mind the proximity to the manufacturer or service provider as well as the maintenance requirements... sending in my arm for a standard service was always a big no no for me...


    And don't get me started about tools. I had kip handles on my rig before it was on vogue... and got laugh at, why would I do something like that... it's not safe, it's dangerous, etc... now that everybody has gone tool less, everybody is looking at me like I am from yesterday... there are just pieces of equipment that are as good as they are and man shouldn't screw with them. And sometimes it just shouldn't be tool less. I have yet to find a center post at a trade show that does not goes out of alignment when I do a whip pan... And it's always funny to see the sales people scramble to realign it and explain how it normally doesn't do that...


    Okay let the flaming begin...


    So looks like I am out of the job as Moderator... oh well. I can finally post what i really wanted, don't have to hold back and don't have to show any refrain... sounds like fun.


    Guess see you around,


    Fly safe,



  5. No answer is also an answer I guess...


    No it's just that at 1:30am those that can answer are asleep



    Oh, I am painfully aware of the time difference Eric. Of all people you should know.


    After Chris answered three other posts first, I felt left out...

    Call me bi-curious. I always look at the new things, especially the LCD/OLED developments and if they are worth while. I bought and sold a couple of LCD monitors and still have my trusty TB-6. And I mean trusty... after 10 years still works, which i can't say for the back up TB-6 that I got 3 years ago... that just dumped the High Voltage Power Supply... sitting in a case... waiting for the day that the first one goes bum... or was supposed to... Oh well.


    Apparently not everybody slept in LA. Had a very nice and long chat with Greg Bubb yesterday. About LCD's and Green screen, etc... Guess I am on the waiting list for the PDL/TB-6 HD upgrade...


    Good Luck with the generation 2 monitor, If I ever get a chance, I'll check it out!


    Fly safe,



  6. I don't think they look silly... they look comfy... but then again, I don't give a rats a$$ what people think of my cloths to begin with...

    I like them, nobody else on set needs to! As long as I do my job and the production is happy, they couldn't care less either.


    Did a very fast move on creaky wooden floor with dialog the other day. The sound guy only made out the actors. ;)


    On the current feature at the beginning people made fun of me... now at least five crew members are looking into them including some grips and the director...


    Convincing them all... one at the time.


    Fly safe,



  7. Currently on my second feature with the Alexa.

    I always fly with the battery attached to the Camera. Without, it felt to light... last year did an anamorphic show and before that 20 features in a row with the 535B... I guess anything will feel "light" after that.


    As my Dionic HC's are starting to show their age, I also don't feel like having my rig used as a permanently powered light meter, lighting tool or directors finder.


    Also on my first feature we used an HD transmitter that only could be powered by on-boards and on the current one we use my Canatrans as transmitter... maybe on the next one...



    Fly safe,




  8. That is definitely the biggest problem with V-Mounts! I've never seen this problem with Anton/Bauer. Has anyone had this issue with A/B Plates?



    Never! I think that AB was and still is on the right track with their Gold Mount design. All of my so far seven sleds were AB and no trouble whatsoever... okay the wobble... but a couple of strips of velcro and they are sitting better then any V-Mount... And John... RED? What can I say.


    Fly safe,



  9. Anybody going to Cinec in Munich next month (Sept. 22nd - 24th)?


    Work prevented me from going to IBC in Amsterdam this weekend, but I'll try and get to Munich, that's about 3 hours drive, way better then the 7 up to Amsterdam.


    Tiffen, Transvideo, Anton Bauer, etc are in attendance...


    Any local ops going to be there?


    Any recommendations for Hotels?





    Fly safe,



  10. Thanks guys for the reply.


    Haven't had a chance to look up the cables... I will though. I went to all electronics shops in my town (6) and even mail ordered a couple (the last one was $30.- and also didn't work), what a waste of cash btw. Before I posted.

    Thanks Andrew Looks like I will have to spend another $12.- bucks on a cable that I don't really need... I have a shoe box filled with those. (Any takers?)


    Still mystified that Preston only provides a serial cable, again can't say I have seen a serial port on recent Laptop PC's. And I also don't know who of my friends in the area actually still uses a desktop (which might still use Serial). Having spend $50K on my FF that cable should be included... but that's me. For that matter if I had to buy a cable for $100.- from them, that would work and didn't need an additional adapter, I wouldn't say a word either... Just this trial and error thing is going on my nerves... age I guess.


    I'll let you know... if it works...






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