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Dave Chameides

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Posts posted by Dave Chameides

  1. The bottom spar (over me big belly) section of my PRO vest has started squeaking like an old man who has eaten too much cheese. Anyone experienced this before? I've checked the screws etc and it's definitely the foam. I come to a lock off and it squaeks as i breath. Heading to PRO to pick up new foam and hoping that works. Anyone? Bueller?

  2. great job Dave! Mike, how much will the total expense be of your new solar system (permits/instal/the system itself/etc)? With all the sun here in So Cal I've been considering the same thing.





    These days you can buy outright or lease for $1000 down and about $50 a month. Will zero out most meters. We've had a 2.8 kw system installed for about 7 years and it works great.

  3. While I have not gone nearly as far as David it is good to know that I am not the only film guy bringing my own water bottle and silverware to set.





    Thanks for the nod Jim. Wild ride and it just keeps getting wilder. If you head to www.365daysoftrash.com and click on the Sign up to win dave's Bag link you'll see a video fellow op Joe Borderick shot of what i carry around to set. How much stuff do we all lug on set (I think I can proabbly do without the BL3 eyepiece optics at this point no) when we could be carrying stuff that would make a difference. I've often thought that we steadi ops should ban together and say no to plastic water bottles, not to single use "disposable" items and the like. Why us? Because we get around, because we have time to shmooze most days, and because we are highly visible on set. Anyway, just a thought.


    As for being the greenest op, 15 years ago i would have screamed if someone had said that (for a different reason) but now, I don't know if it's accurate, I'd wear that badge with pride. Better than "older op with a bad back and worse attitude anyway".



  4. Yoinks. I thought no one had responded as i was supposed to be getting email updates. Sorry for my absence and thanks for all the info. I'm going to go with good old Pro after allis said and done. Also, reverting my screen to the old Model I I have sitting in the closet and exchanging my arm pivot for the hinge from the front door, just so i can out old school the old schoolers.


    Ron, throw my email to your buddy with the land rover, I'd be glad to help if I can.



  5. For starters, I know how many comments I'm going to get about using original PRO batts at this point so consider them sent.


    Anyone have a good place for recelling these things? I used a place in woodland hills last year and they haven't lasted that long.


    Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?



  6. I got a call on Monday to work on a show called Chuck on Tuesday. Worked out the deal and insurance and got a call time. They kindly called back a few hours later and told me that they needed to move the day to wed, would that be OK, and would I charge them for the day. I told them that since it was short notice between calls, noone had called me, etc, that it was no problem. They told me they'd need me the following Tuesday as well. The next day (tuesday) at around 2 they called to say they were cancelling for Wednesday. I mentioned that I had already turned down a call for Wednesday for a commercial so they would have to pay at which point they asked me what I thought would be fair. They came back with $500 and I said I'd take it but I thought that what they were doing was wrong and they should be paying me for th day. Now they've called and cancelled on Tuesday.


    Be careful of these folks as they obvioulsy don't really think there is a difference between a book and a hold. Make sure you've got yourself covered and hopefully you won't have to endure the obnoxious emails like the ones I've gotten.


    Good Luck.

  7. I posted a need for a superpost a few days back for a specific shot that I was told about late Friday to be done this morning (Monday). A bunch of people got back to me right away and after realizing that my gear is freighteningly behind the times, Doc Karmen offered up not only his super post but his rig and batts as well.


    Now I've met Doc several times before and we have travelled in concentric circles, but I wouldn't say that we know eachother that well by any means. But this is what I have always enjoyed about the steadicam community. What other group of people would graciously offer up tens of thousands of dollars worth of personal equipment to someone in need?


    They call it the noble instrument, but I hold that it wouldn't be much without the ops who carry it on high.


    Very cool and much appreciated Doc.





  8. Did I mention free. Gots to clean out the garage. (3) model 3a/3/2/1 batts and my old vest. Doesn't have the socket block, but it's full of a lot of history and at least 10 years of my sweat not to mention the guy who had it before me. The center spar etc is still good and it's got some good pads and clips. Still some life in some of it. email if intererested at vegify@mac.com




    Update, the vest is spoken for but think about all of the possibilities for those batteries!!!!

  9. where are you located? I had mine recelled/rebuilt by PRO (sent to their guy in AZ) last year and the price was not too bad. Took about 4 days. You could do a few at a time if you can't find any.


    I knew someone (name escapes me) who recelled their old style batts with hytron cells instead of the nicads...it shaved about a pound off the sled.


    Ron B



    You had yours recelled with the old style cells right? I've heard about the weight change but that's easily fixed.

    I'm in Hollywood.



  10. Hey All,

    Strange question here. My PRO bats (old school type) are in the process of taking a major dump (apparently the AC on the job I did today thinks they should charge higher than 13.8!). I'm researching recelling them with the equivalant of the hytron-50s and am still a few days shy of making a decisions as I am waiting on some info. All that said, anyone have a batt or two lying around that they might lend me for a week or so? I know it's a long shot but I figured I'd check. Otherwise, I'll just talk them out of shots or start telling them long stories to kill time while my batts charge.


    Email me at thegreaseguy@earthlink.net if you can help a bruthaa out.





  11. Hi Dave,


    Long time....


    I have a 2nd Modulus 3000, If you need one until yours is repaired. I bought it for that reason only... Charles used it for the 6 weeks (More like 10 weeks) that his was in repair...


    Talk to you later,







    Thanks Erwin but I think I'm cool. I'll let you know though.



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