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William Demeritt

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Posts posted by William Demeritt

  1. WHDI is a specification. AMIMON is a chip manufacturer. WHDI devices have many manufacturers, but they pretty much all use AMIMON chips to achieve wireless.




    I think it's safer to say wireless HD started as a professional need, went consumer as HDTV took off, and now spans both worlds.


    This thread derail isn't contributing much to the original thread. I'm gonna start bullying in a moment.

  2. And I still don't believe anyone is taking the professional market seriously yet, since nobody has just added simple f*cking antennas to THAT BOARD. I did it with rudimentary soldering knowledge and a hot glue gun, and yet NOBODY has come out with external antennas. I got a POS consumer grade turd to transmit 110+ feet, and NOBODY seems interested. A HOME RUN is sitting there WAITING, and everyone keeps bunting the damn ball.


    Mmm, this beer is good.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I have a Hyperdeck Shuttle that will cross convert an HD-SDI signal to an HDMI signal, but regardless you shouldn't NEED a workaround with a professional monitor




    I wholeheartedly agree. Just putting that out there for people who might have a Decimator 2 lying around and are wishing their Cinetronic 2 could show them HD with PsF only cameras. Nobody wants a workaround, they want a solution. However, in the mean time... there's a workaround.

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  4. If the PsF issue is a major dealbreaker for you, I wanted to share a small workaround that's tedious but works.


    If you have a Decimator 2 and have a way to power it from or near the monitor, get yourself a short HDMI cable. Feed HD-SDI into the Decimator 2, and run HDMI to the HDMI input on the gen 2. The Decimator 2's scaling feature will "fix" scale the image to progressive, and the monitor will give you an HD image.


    Not idea, but I tested it with an Alexa set to PsF about a week ago, and it gave me an image.


    NOTE: You must connect the Decimator 2 to a computer via USB and enable the scaling feature in the Decimator Control Panel software that's available here:




    Requires a Windows computer, blah blah.

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  5. Perhaps this gives moderators an opportunity to create a basic declaration of decorum while posting on the forum? We have moderators established by the site admin, and while they're busy with their own lives and careers (in that order, I imagine), they're the ones best equipped to determine how to address this issue?


    Each post has a "report" button. I imagine there's a review mechanism/process for those reported posts. Why not suspend/ban offending members based on reports, private warnings, etc. Other sites have worked well with restricted permissions during probationary periods, etc.


    Again, I would also reintroduce a previous suggestion of having a mandatory waiting period before posting, unless otherwise authorized by mods/admins. I think a 2 week or 1 month waiting period to post for most members will encourage them to use the search button, private messaging or other tools to get answers. Probationary period for all other subforums, immediate access to the SteadiNewbies sub.

    • Upvote 2
  6. Ozzie: if anon were here, they'd tell you: "we are not your personal army".


    They don't erase, they spread stuff. You don't want anon on this, it's like making a deal with the devil.


    Does anyone know if anything more has come of this situation?

  7. I'm glad to hear this mod of working out for you. Out of curiosity, why not just save one step and just modify your Arri power cable to 12v so it powers off the camera battery on the 3 position power block?


    That way, the camera battery only powers your camera, monitor for monitor, etc. Of course, I'm also having trouble understanding how 2 batteries in 24v (offering 178wH) didn't last as long as a single battery (offering 89wH).


    I feel like I'm missing a step in your thought process for why this mod.

  8. Perhaps more information about the shot they're looking for, so they don't try to buy the shot 3 more times before they get what they want. If they thought a tripod strapped to the car hood for 3 miles was adequate, but they were unhappy with _____?_______, then perhaps Steadicam isn't right for the shot?


    If it's a vfx plate, and they're looking for just road zooming by (like a POV from a hood ornament?), then I question if Steadicam would work well since you're bound to introduce some unintended influences (pan and tilt) if you're shooting for 2-3 miles.


    Just as an idea, why not: hood mount, grill mount or bumper mount (depending on what the shot needs), do an Epic shooting 4K or 5K and use post-stabilization? If it's 2-3 miles of straight road, then give the driver a monitor for reference, rig it up and go take a drive. I'm not that familiar with post-stabilization, but I would think a 4K image would give MORE than enough to extract a 2K/1080p stabilized clip.

  9. I usually try to prep my spotter that I don't like being physically guided the whole time unless the shot is in a tight space, in which case I don't mind being "operated" a bit. If the room is open and free, I usually tell them to just stay nearby, and if I look like I'm starting to go down, grab the handle on my vest (thanks, Jack @ GPI!). I usually say "You grab me, I'll grab the rig.

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