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William Demeritt

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Posts posted by William Demeritt

  1. I actually just had Andrew Ansnick make me a couple earlier this year. Ordered a couple DIN 1.0/2.3 to BNC male pigtails (I think each one is 12 or 18 inches?), use them for recording off my sled.


    Otherwise, I haven't found a simple adapter yet, and B&H sells them for $30 to the RED community that still uses a RED One/MX. So, a custom build seemed better for price, versatility and price.

  2. Who has the time or interest to assemble or absorb such data? From the track record and contributions so far, obviously very few. But the geeks are out there, and an "Arm Performance Primer" is not that hard to envisage ... and could be a useful resource for the community, even if it is not fully exhaustive for available models.


    I fear this is a topic where the geeks find themselves as outsiders to the individuals most likely to use the gear. A primer might be helpful, but the majority of operators determine their gear preferences early on based on other factors (financial, proximity to manufacturer, etc), and as they succeed, their gear preferences are based on actual experience.


    What I'm saying is that the opportunity to inform those individuals doesn't really exist, considering they buy what they afford in the beginning and what they really want when they are in a position to pay for the quality they expect. The geeks are looking at the specs, but the operators are out there operating.


    I was at GPI earlier today, and Jack said something that I remind myself of frequently: for all of the geek indulgence, for all the technology and precision and enthusiasm we bring to this trade, in the end it doesn't really matter. ALL that matters is the SHOT. Knowing the performance data doesn't really mean much.


    As you said, few people are out there with the time or interest to put together a proper test, and even with all that effort, might not (as you said) be fully exhaustive. So, what good is the data accumulated if not exhaustive or comprehensive?

    • Upvote 3
  3. Just to be clear: my goal with this discussion is not to create a forum for bashing Cinetronic, even if that is the undercurrent of this particular topic.


    My goal here is to shed light on the issues that they are working on so new customers in the Steadicam community know what to expect from their purchase at this moment in time, and in the future.


    Many people aren't aware of the software issues, hardware issues or image issues, and as a colleague or friend, I've found myself in the position of sharing that information, often to their disappointment. I wanted a centralized, easily read brief on current problems being addressed. It's wonderful that the company is trying to address them in a timely manner, but in the mean time, I felt the community should be able to see what issues and bugs are currently being squashed.


    For many operators, the monitor is still perfect for their needs. Others may hold off on their purchase knowing about the delivery delays and lack of digital bubble level. Being informed is the goal here, and so far, nobody has shown signs of needlessly bashing Cinetronic or the Gen 2.

    • Upvote 2
  4. I've added a few notes to the initial post, including the responses from Cinetronic.


    One thing: I think further testing needs to be fine with actual cameras, only because the PsF issue is puzzling to me. I had a Sony F65 that was unable to get me an image. I wish I had written down the camera settings, but the important thing to note is we had a 5.6" TV Logic on set, and while the Gen 2 couldn't give an image, the TV Logic did.


    Likewise, last week I watched an Alexa at Panavision fail to give an image on the MON Out when set to 1080 and PsF, and immediately come up when at to P. This was with the new firmware, which I helped the operator update to.

  5. I wanted to create a thread for everyone to discuss the white elephant in the room: the Cinetronic Gen 2 monitor. I would like for this thread to become a repository of individuals experiences thus far as well as current issues experienced with the monitor, plus overall experiences. I will do my best to keep the main post updated so users can see what others are experiencing, as well the solutions to those issues (as done by the user, or by Cinetronic).


    First thing's first: who hasn't received their Gen 2 monitor yet, when did you place your preorder or order, and what was the delivery estimate when you ordered? Have you received communication by email or telephone regarding delays of your monitor? Did you order a digital level? Has the delays of the level been communicated to you?


    I include this because I think it's only fair for new buyers to get feedback from other customers regarding their turnaround.


    Second, what issues have you experienced with your Gen 2 thus far, if any? Cameras, formats, etc?


    Third: have you been able to update the firmware on your own, or have you taken it to someone else to get updated? What is limiting you from doing the updates?


    Monitor software issues:

    - PsF not detected, only P. Response from Cinetronic: The monitor currently accepts all valid SMPTE inputs, which includes 1080 24PsF. 720 24PsF is not a valid SMPTE standard, and we are working on a software change for this.

    - Undetermined issue on Sony F65, most likely the PsF issue.

    - Touch buttons overly sensitive, sometimes mistakes a hovering finger (not making contact) with constant contact. Cinetronic has indicated they're working to fix in the next firmware.

    - Monitor doesn't save framelines or touchpad backlight brightness settings when powered off - RESOLVED as of the July 16, 2013 firmware update. Both are now saved when the monitor powers off and turned back on.


    Monitor hardware issues:

    - Overheating for some users - a retrofit IS being offered by Cinetronic that requires a 24 hour turnaround with the monitor back at Cinetronic.

    - Tally input always detects tally on of using simple photosensor tally - requires a retrofit, otherwise constantly detects a tally signal with photosensor tallies. Can be done at Cinetronic, or add a resistor/regulator to the cable going into the monitor. Response from Cinetronic: The tally works as it is designed, accepting a 2-24V input. If you are just using a photo sensor, with no threshold, you will need to add a resistor. The tally input was designed to accept almost any tally signal input, since there are a wide variety of tally systems.

    - Anton Bauer battery plate back feeds power over the 8-pin LEMO - primarily a concern for XCS sled owners. Requires a diode be added to the 8-pin LEMO inside the monitor.


    Firmware installation:

    - Windows users currently supported only. Installation of the driver requires "driver signing" be turned off in Windows. William Demeritt posted a walkthrough on how to do this over at http://cinetronic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=18 . I may post that walkthrough here, if anyone is interested.

    - Mac users and Linux users currently unsupported, no version of the flash software exists for them. HOWEVER, Mac users can use virtualization software such as VMWare or Parallels to run the flash updater. However, they too need to disable driver signing in their virtual OS in order to install the driver which the updater needs.

    • Upvote 2
  6. I decided to make a tally system that works internally on my PRO HD sled, since I'm not crazy about running cables outside of my rig... pretty much ever. Here's my concoction:


    Typical photosensor tally, but I stuck it in a coily cable with the 2-pin LEMO for the AUX line.

    The guts of the tally live inside a hollowed out Proformer battery. Draws power off a PTAP running out the back of the unit and onto the camera/monitor battery. I have it working with the 2 battery configuration, but should work with 3 battery configuration, so long as a camera battery is there (and for balance, I'd imagine it always will be there). The RCA plug on the right goes to the tally input on my Gen 2 Cinetronic, and it's regulated to 5v with dropoff below 2.5v, so the monitor detects the tally properly. Left RCA plug is for standard LED on a cable.
    A view of the total bottom section.
    Cinetronic Gen 2 triggered tally, everything lit and working.
    I still need to make a few spare cables as well, but only finishing touchesis hot glue and closing up the Proformer down below.
    • Upvote 1
  7. In my experience, with the mini converters, AJA vs. BlackMagic is like Canon vs. Nikon: personal preference, but both get the job done quite well.


    Out of curiosity, do you no longer have any capability for analog video on your sled? Even with the HD options on the XCS, PRO and Tiffen sleds, there's still an analog line. And if the Analog line isn't working out, you can still hose an analog signal through a wire labeled "HD-SDI". It's still just copper running from BNC to BNC.


    Or are you trying to convert analog to SDI for a wireless transmitter as well?

  8. If you don't mind the extra legwork, I think the rental houses that stick with Bar codes on asset tags probably work the best (for now). I would think trying to scan multiple RFID tags at once might reduce the fidelity of "verified" items, so you'd still have to pour through your cases to locate whatever you think is missing. Further, the RFID chips aren't cheap, aren't necessarily small enough to be effectively useful, etc.


    I would imagine a simple barcode system with wireless scanner and a Mac app to reconcile a checked out inventory against checking in inventory would be most effective.


    Or hire a slave to do it whenever necessary?

  9. HA! You guys are really busting your asses! Here in LA, I can sit in traffic for hours to get to my apartment and THEN spend another 45 minutes looking for parking! Then, every few weeks, they stop construction on the streets in one part of town (without completing it) to start construction in another part of town!


    I'm just gonna start renting Baldwin's place.


    But I can buy a 128oz soda at a movie theater, so I have that going for me. I think I'll go buy a gun off someone without doing a federal background check...

    • Upvote 1
  10. I had it running all day Friday, gen2.. Camera was set to 25p, So whatever it outputs on SDI, it was working fine.. Teradek was transmitting signal fine off SDI-2

    We had a TVLogic on set, and it was able to handle the signal. The gen 2 was not. I wound up doing Decimator and SD input.

  11. Cinetronic has been tested .. works fine out of both SDI ports ..


    I don't mean to derail the thread, but what were your settings on the HD output? Just so i can avoid the issue in the future should I every fly that pig again.

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