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Peter Hoare

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Posts posted by Peter Hoare

  1. Mm yes, thats not that good. Whatever you do, do not remove the screws in the stainless ring, the bearing underneath is pretty fiddly.


    If you get stuck, send it to me, we can spark the screw out with the EDM hole burner and replace it for you.



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  2. Hi Everyone,


    A quick update on the M-One repair.


    I got hold of replacement potentiometers, but they needed significant modification. A few hours on the lathe with a local master manual machinist, and we now have a special jig to hold the potentiometers to modify them. I have now got a small supply of modified potentiometers ready to go into M-One motor units.


    There is also a shaft seal inside the motor that is used as a kind of clutch to turn the pot shaft. On the motor I have here, this seal is pretty ragged and tatty, so I have got onto my seal people and I have new ones coming over now so we can replace these as well.


    I have yet to finish the motor up and test it, but it looks to me like everything will work fine, so those of you with M-Ones with knackered potentiometers, I think I can help you out.




    • Upvote 2
  3. Hi Everyone,


    I have received the first M-One and have disassembled it, and im pleased to say that the potentiometer poses us no problems to replace. The part is readily available and the modifications can be done by us very easily.


    The M-One is very well designed, hats off to Don, its well thought out.





    • Upvote 4
  4. many users' original parts of the connector are lost or broken and find it is very difficult to purchase the original matched parts,



    Not sure what you mean, I find it very easy to get spare parts, I just ring up Lemo and order them, its all off the shelf. Thats a rather feeble excuse for buying fake connectors if you ask me....

  5. Hi Kyriacos,


    I did see your emails before. As I said, the receiver cannot really be powered off a DSLR battery, the voltage and current outputs are too low to really get the most out of the system. You could use this battery:


    and connect it via the D-Tap in the top. I have another customer who uses this and reports that it works fine.





    I will be at IBC yes.


    Hope that helps,



  6. Its likely a size made by Kaydon or Silverthin. If you need two of them im guessing they are angular contact bearings... Kaydon and Silverthin have a pretty big catalogue of sizes, its bound to be in there somewhere... If you can get the old bearing out and measure it up, there will likely be an alternative available.


    Be careful though as the Kaydon and Silverthin bearings in one off quantities are very expensive and could take a few months to arrive...



  7. Hi Everyone,


    I met many of you at Cinegear and the Stabiliser expo over the last few days, good to see everyone as always.


    Just thought id let you know that we now have sales and service setup in Hollywood with Illya Friedman of Hot Rod Cameras. He can sell you a system, handle all the import stuff, and then provide service. Hes based right near Paramount Studios, down Suset Blvd.


    New Axis1 units are available to order now, and will be delivered in 2-3 weeks. We have full FCC approval, and the manufacturers warranty is three years.


    If you want to see a unit, Illya will have one available in the next week or so for demos, and some of the big rental houses in hollywood should have their units soon too.



    Thanks a lot,




    • Upvote 3
  8. Hi Everyone,


    Theres been a few questions regarding the FCC status of the Axis1, as our previous product was not FCC certified, and therefore never sold in the states.


    Im pleased to say that today the Axis1 passed its FCC Section 15 Class B test, and is now certified for use, sale and resale within the United States (we have also got the Australian certification too).


    I have attached the souvenir photo the test lab sent.







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