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Steve Peterson

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Posts posted by Steve Peterson

  1. Preston camera control run/stop cables.


    1 Arri #4520 Fischer camera end new 175.00 125.00

    2 Arri/Moviecam/Alexa #4521 new 160.00 120.00ea.

    1 Aaton #4524 new 160.00 120.00

    1 Panavision film #4522 new 210.00 150.00

    1 Sony VTR #4435 new 165.00 120.00


    Prices include shipping within the US.


    Steve Peterson 714 579-7857

  2. For Sale


    Cartoni Lambda Fluid Head Hot Gears System.


    1 Cartoni Lambda Fluid Head modified for Hot Gears control with Cardelini Head Lock, can be used as a

    standalone fluid head or put the motors on in under 5 minutes.

    1 Hot Gears Control, pan and tilt

    1 Preston F/X Box interface which allows any 5 channels of memory pan, tilt, iris, focus, zoom, speed ramp

    stop change etc.



    1-100' Command cable

    1-50' Command cable

    15 Camera control cables, Panavision, Arri, Moviecam etc.

    2- Bloop lites for memory funtion

    1- Cart

    2- Pelican shipping cases


    45,000.00/OBO USD Located in LA, CA Contact Steve Peterson 714 579-7857

  3. For Sale


    Hot Gears Digital Remote System


    Arrihead I


    underslung Cage

    1-100' Command Cable

    1-50' Command Cable

    1 move memory function with bloop lite

    Shipping case


    DP's personal head and remote system in excellent condition. Located in LA, CA


    30,000.00 USD

    Contact Ron Peterson 714 719-2585 or Steve Peterson 714 579-7857

  4. Wow, he made some really embarrassing mistakes.



    What are some of the longest steadicam shots? Had one in "The Wedding Planner" that ran 3 min. 50 sec. During prep we rehearsed it to see how long it would actually take because of the narrow steep stairs and crossovers invoved a 1000' mag was out of the question. On shoot day it was the only shot schelduled for the day and we had 2 operators on call in case something bad happened. 1st op did 12 takes and was "done", 2nd op did 2 or 3 and we called it a day.

  5. 3 Bartec follow focus units. 2 available with iris slider faceplate also. 1600.00 ea. Excellent condition, hardly used. :rolleyes:


    Steve Peterson 714 579-7857 hm. 714 883-1715 cell.


    2 down and one to go.



    One focus hand unit and receiver left. Like new and just checked out.

  6. Has anyone heard anything about the Lithium Iron Phospate cells?

    I have someone experimenting with them in the PRO I batteries. He says they have better current draw and weigh less. Does anyone have any experience with them?





    Come on Dan, My kid knows what he is doing. Just kidding, the wikipedia info is really good. Safer and last longer, 2 good things.

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