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Ryan Wiebe

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Everything posted by Ryan Wiebe

  1. Yes, I know....cables was my next obstacle! I know that there is a battery pack for the monitor (although that adds more weight). I think we have to have the teleprompter over the lens because if it was slightly above the lens the talent might look weird looking up. We are doing a news-style shoot.
  2. I am trying to attach a lightweight teleprompter to the flyer, here is the breakdown: Sony Z1U with battery - 5lb 2.4 oz Teleprompter screen - 2lb 7.1 oz Teleprompter glass - 1lb 3.6 oz Teleprompter cover - 3lb 0.3 oz Teleprompter base - 2lb 3.7 oz That is a total of about 14lbs It is too front heavy, I have moved the gimbal all the way to the top and moved the teleprompter and camera back as far as it can go. I used both of my IDX batteries at the bottom of the post and even wrapped a 2lb weight around the batteries (which brings the weight up a little) and it is still front-heavy. I put a photo below. Any ideas? Or is this just too much for the Flyer? If so, any ideas on a Teleprompter that does work with the Flyer? Thanks, Ryan
  3. I am using a Sony Z1U HDV Camera. It does have a crosshair display. However, it will not output to the Stedicam monitor, only to the flip-out LCD on the Camera which I cannot see very well while using the Steadicam.
  4. Actually, I hate crosshairs also, but I just needed a reference to practice keeping it straight while I am learning. Thanks for responding everybody, I will put these suggestions to use.
  5. When I got the Flyer, I noticed that it doesn't have crosshairs or any type of on-screen display. Does anyone have any ideas? I don't want to mess up the LCD screen with tape or anything else. Thanks, Ryan
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