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richard bellon

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Posts posted by richard bellon

  1. Hi all

    Sorry if been discussed but I couldn't find it


    Um... I'm hard mounting on a Polaris tommorrow and the terrain is gonna be quite rough


    What would be the best arm settings?

    I'm flying a 3a arm


    Kindest regards

    And thanks in advance

  2. Hi all


    Thanks for the all the replies!

    So we ditched the zoom and got a set of compact primes.


    The rental house doesn't have the correct brackets/cages aks to mount the zoom properly without inducing a lot of flex and vibration. Since we hard mounting over ROUGH terrain not really a good thing.


    So I put a weight under it and got it up to around the same an Alexa setup so I'm pretty happy

  3. Hi all


    I've got a Job next week and we are shooting with the F3 and Alura18-80

    They are also going to record onto the sound devices pix 240 Solid state recorder


    The job entails hard mounting to a Polaris and shooting running stuff, and it involves quite rough terrain I've been told


    Any advice or things I should watch out for with this camera setup? Anyone shot with the same setup?


    Thanks all in advance

    Kindest regards

  4. hey all


    power to the cart...

    i think would be to much of a mission to warrant it.


    when i was an ac i thought about it even tried it but in the end it was too complicated.

    the easiest was to just have power run to my van and set up a charging station.


    i charged steadi batteries, camera batteries, phones and laptops.

    i also had a inverter and 3 12v batteries in-case but more of a hassle than ever needed.


    i carry enough batteries to run the whole day without having to worry about charging (1 less thing to worry about)

    when using Alexa i have the 2nd Ac swap the on-boards or have a brick handy to plug in so i never have to power down.

    for shooting i run camera off sled.

    i use 2x 160w which gives me a runtime of aprrox 3 and quarter hrs.

    but combining onboards and these i usually run for 8-9 hrs before changing my batteries.


    as for charging phones and stuff, i generally leave my phone in my car :blink:

    but in an emergency plug it into the vt cart or in the van where everything else is being charged.


    My Friend who is a sound recordist runs his whole set up on marine deep cell batteries which i beleive can power his whole cart for 4 days.

  5. Hi All


    i was wondering about what cameras guys out there are using mostly?


    i mean in the last week i did 3 jobs all on Alexa and some gigs next week also probably on Alexa

    the last time i used a 435 was 14mnths ago.

    do u guys think RED is gonna fade away cause here the rental companies have halved their rates on MX

    my good friend who has been a focus puller for 25 yrs says he hasnt shot on film in a year.

    do u guys think its just flavour of month or gonna be around for some time?

  6. hi all


    ive got a shoot tommorrrow on Alexa,

    and i was wondering....


    is there a setting on camera to tell it to use the onboard battery first

    and when that dies kick over to my sleds batteries?


    i was wondering if this is possible as i would like to plug it into the sled

    and not have it use the batteries except when hot swapping the onboard batteries

    without having to plug/unplug and have the cable stuck/dangling next to camera body


    i didnt get a chance to check it out yesterday at the g/check as there were other issues

    that were being dealt with


    thanks in advance


    As has been said time and time again, a good Steadicam Operator must first and foremost be a good Camera Operator. There is a lot more that goes into a shot than just if it is smooth or not.





    ok i understand what u meant... i was talking about it from a pure skill in operating steadicam i.e being as smooth as humanly possible.

  8. Richard, I think you fail to recognize exactly what makes (made) Larry and Charles great operators. Very little of it has to do with their ability to move a camera smoothly.



    hi Afton


    maybe its a bit late and ive had to many johnnie walkers ;)

    but i dont understand what u mean...


    it has EVERYTHING to do with their abilty to move smoothly.

    thats what i think we will lose. is the high skillset that inspires us to become better

    because on a daily basis im trying to improve my operating but if u can stabilise mediocr operating into aweinspiring shots, what the point of becoming the best that you can possibly be

  9. hi all


    i think that short video is actually quite good for what it is...

    i mean its only gonna get better.


    now as steadicam being threatened.. i dont think so.

    if u combine top notch post stabilization with mediocre operating everyone is gonna be

    a Larry or a Charles :)

    now THAT'S what i am afraid of.. if everyone can pull off these amazing shots with little skill

    who is gonna inspire us to become better, i mean the general public is not gonna care

    how or who did it, but at the end of the day we as filmmakers make films for other filmmakers.


    and im sure every op here has a "Holy Cr#P" shot that inspires them on a daily basis

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