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richard bellon

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Posts posted by richard bellon

  1. hi


    probably to heavy for your rig, but Marell makes a "cheap" crt monitor @£900 for a new one, if could find good used one may be an idea





    That looks perfect, good price certainly acceptable, no weight information, I might be able to re house it in something light


    and its discontiuned !


    Of course using a 5d and 28PC lens only 'buys' me some weight on the total rig, typically I use the vlock batt up top to add mass to the top


    but I would not want the camera a foot above the gimbal!






    found a comparison chart it weighs in at 1.67kg


  2. hi Janice


    thanks yes that is a good point, im fortunate that its not me who's in the freezer but my friend and fellow steadi op.

    ive never been in such an environment before, so thats why i asked,

    and it is really appriciated all the feedback so that if i ever have to do it i can be a bit more prepared.


    As for the temp i have no idea maybe it will change but thats what we talked about will ask him on tues and see what they did.


    thanks all




    I can go back 10 years in my iphone and see what I was doing ...


    Made me smile. Rob, are you very sure you WANT to go back 10 years to see what you were doing ? :)


    Janice, that's a bulletproof method of tracking incoming and outgoing work. I like it ! And, it is easier to read than my Droid®.


    Peter Abraham



    old school :)

  4. hi


    i have been told by a DIT and former HD video head of Panavision JHB that these things are the shit.

    dunno about being put on steadi but for what they are they are apparently truely revolutionary. Absolutly amazing

  5. HI


    My friend and fellow steadi op, is shooting a music vid next week and he mentioned to me that they are gonna shoot in a freezer about the size of 2 shipping containers @ -20 celsius.

    i suggested he get himself a freezer suit :unsure:


    what things should one look out/avoid/do for such extreme cold?

    how badly does the cold effect a steadicam?

    i know that the batteries are gonna suffer and should be covered by heat packs but curious to know how it would effect arm/rig/monitor/gimbal? i dont know exaclty what gear he will be using but he has NIMH batteries, 3a goldspring arm; marell hbm5 monitor and si2k camera, RED, 7D)



  6. Hi all


    this may be a strange question, but i have been asked to shoot a short promo for my dojo.

    And now i was wondering has anyone else shot in a dojo before?

    if so what kind of shots did you do?

    i really want to shoot as much on steadi as possible but would like to know if anyone had cool ideas for some shots?


    Basically its just gonna be me and my assistant so any help would be appreciated




  7. i like the idea of streaming to ipod/ipad/mac or whatever

    i think its great for commercials wherby the agency all sit in video village and dont watch the monitors

    so now they can all stay in the office and not interfere. especially two setups later when they decide they werent paying attention and were too busy watching youtube and facebook and now want to reshoot :P




  8. hi


    talking about the bon monitors, a very knowlegable DIT i know :rolleyes:

    uses the 17" monitors,

    he saysd they are pretty awsome and for the price cant go wrong

    he suggested looking at the 7" for steadi but none here to try out


    how do they perform in the daylight?

    are the worth looking at seriously?



  9. hiya


    if you have the steadicam operators handbook, there's a nice article on weight/practice cage

    try and make a cage(two pieces of steel) as it raises the cg of camera giving a more realistic feel, and should be rectangular in shape. a few 3/8 threads and slots


    weight would depend on how much u want to fly.. mine is 13kg/28lbs


    my friend is a precision toolmaker, so he machined it for me.



  10. Hi All


    sorry if this has been discussed before but i cant seem to find info on it.


    Probably a silly question but when one mounts the mdr to the donkey box, it adds mass to the camera, now obviuosly one must slide the camera back to balance but is there some system/ rule of thumb in terms of placing cameras i.e 3/4" from the center of the post that one can use as a starting point?


    thanking u all


    I usually start with the camera 1 inch behind the CG, get my static balance right and then try spinning test to get the dynamic balance right. With heavier cameras, and to be more specific 535 and f900 with Panavision lenses (witch are more or less the same pain in the back) I start with the CG right in the middle of the center of the post, otherwise I run out of room to move my batteries back and never get DB.


    Hope this helps :)





    thanks for that, every little bit helps.

    the heaviest camera i had on my rig was the Arri St, such a beast.

    thanks all for the info

  11. I've had film jamming and noisy mag problems 2/3 the way into the roll on a movie with an Arricam LT before. We swapped mags and that made no difference. Finally we swapped bodies and it stopped. I was told the camera motors weaken near the end of their life cycle and this causes the problems. We finally swapped out the body and no more problems. But this was 4 perf. and with 1000' mags.


    interesting, since the motors that are actually moving the film are the mag itself, so it should not matter to the camera if it's 2/3 down the roll, it's always the same work for the movement/motor in the body.....





    it didnt matter

    happened across the board all of a sudden, didnt matter what the footage was or what mag we were using i.e 400/1000 ft mag

  12. hi

    i know this hasnt much to do with steadicam but out of curiousity...


    i recently did a feature and shooting on arricam LT 2 Perf,

    this was my first 2 perf job and on both A&B cam the mags jammed.

    they jammed on A-cam every 2-4 rolls and on B-cam at least once every 2 days.


    nothing was wrong with the way the film was loaded and the film never concentinad in the mag. I.E nothing wrong with film in mag.


    swapped out both cameras, same thing happened, updated software, samething happened, flew in more cameras from London, same thing.


    no one could figure it so basically we had to live with it and hoped it wouldnt jam during a gr8 take.


    Anyone else had this prob before or know of someone who had?



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