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Pedro Guimaraes SOC

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Posts posted by Pedro Guimaraes SOC

  1. Yea Nick I agree on the Rates having to be raised. Come on guys these rigs are stupid to destroy your body. They are heavy heavy rigs. We need to charge more for productions wanting us to fly these beasts! I've done a bit of 3D work and it is way more strenuous on your body and your gear.


    Absolutely, hold onto your higher rates. I do.


    Recently got a call and turned it down, producer said he had a local op. (canada) that would do it for less (way less) I told him good luck.


    No thanks.

  2. Thought it might be interesting to some of you guys....


    I launched my new Blog/site today. I put up over 60 articles already! (many of them with picture galleries)




    Going to chronicle some of the work I do, gear reviews, instructional information, video tutorials etc.....2D and 3D stuff.


    I'll update it frequently....


    Hope u guys like it....

  3. New Atom/ Epic pics from another project shot this last week.....


    during prep at HD camera rentals I tested primes on my steadicam......on my segway.....then rode over to show off a few blocks away at the ET offices

    (see link click here )


    With short primes




    and low mode with longer angeniuex rouge zooms....





  4. oh nevermind....it was the end of a long day.....I misunderstood.....


    I bought a yeager cart jr. as well. I thought you had custom pieces to fit the yeager. Nevermind. I'm getting custom cases done at a&s to fit inside my new cart.


    probably just end up fab'in up a vest hanger and riggin up a docking post.....


    Nice deal you got there for someone......

  5. these configurations usually have a fixed IO. Convergence can be made to be adjusted but complicates the system. You are much better off adjusting convergence in post or if your broadcasting with the Sony MPE200.


    But since you have to slice and dice the frame before it goes anywhere kinda makes this system no usable for live broadcast since it has to go thru a post process. In fact these systems usually introduce alot of distortion that also has to be corrected before viewing.....so it's definatly more of a feature tool.


    While it might seam like an elegant way to solve the problem these single lens/single camera solutions all have a multitude of issues and limitations.


    Which is why after all the prototype systems i have used we always go back to using a beam splitter for real critical work.

  6. I took the arm to Robert Luna at the request of an interested party. After close examination and testing, Robert came back saying "the arm is in great shape" a recommends it as a good buy.


    So there you have it, clean bill of health from the man himself!


    Call him if you want to here his opinion first hand.


    Meanwhile the arm is still for sale. I'm taking offers.


    Throw me a number.


    Pedro G.


  7. You got to be kidding me.....I was looking for 2 years.....but everyone sells thier arms with thier kit.


    I stopped by pro I wrote them a check 2 days ago.


    I would of bought it in a sec.....god has a funny sense of humor sometimes.....


    good luck with the sale I'm sure there were other people like me out there.

  8. I just shot EPIC 3D job.....if you want you can get a new "epic" cable.


    But all Epic's are shipping with a small cable that converts the "new" to the "old" This way people can use any RED ONE battery plates and other accesories...like a steadicam.


    So one end is male and the other is female like the back of a Red one camera. So I just used my red one power cable and plugged into that.


    So just check with the camera package that they have this cable and as long as you have a RED one power cable for your sled you should be fine.

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