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Mikko Wilson

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Posts posted by Mikko Wilson

  1. Ok.. I'v been following (and reporting) this story, so here's a breif breakdown:

    The camera was first shown as a mockup at IBC, and then released ofically at the Canon Expo in NY last week.


    As far as Steadicam operators care, it's the same as an XL2. (or basically an XL1)


    However it shoots HDV [MPEG2 25mbps] to tape. It uses the same lens mount, but of course requires HD lenses.

    The chips are interlaced only, and it shoots in 1080.. It'll do 60i,30f and 24f - the exact mening of "f" is yet to be cleared, basically it seems to capture progressive images with an interlaced CCD(?).

    With an optional upgrade it can become format agile (switchable between 60i and 50i (NTSC/PAL))

    Here's the big ones: It has HD-SDI out, Genlock-in, and Timecode In and Out.. so some real professional studio connections there [and more cables for us]

    It will of course also do SD; DV to tape and SD-SDI out.

    You can take full control over the camera [read:paintbox] with a computer over firewire with special software.


    There is curently only one lense for it, but all the Mini35 stuff will still fit it and work with it.


    The camera costs $9000 and will ship by November.


    more details can be found at www.camcorderinfo.com


    - Mikko

  2. Well with DV you normally have the (dis)advantage(?) of much smaller chips..

    however this translates into a deeper depth of field that helps keep in focus.


    There are a bunch of options, including remote follow focuses (which will also work on the DVX.. head over to www.dvxuser.com to take a look at some of the FF ideas.. you can get radio ones attached too.) a lot of people set focus for the shot and shoot wide / within the limits of that focus, and some even riade with autofucos on, which can do wonders at times (and cause hell at others)


    Regarding batteries, if you area allready working with one type, i'd stick with it, that way you allready have possible spares, joint support equipment, etc.. always better to keep cross-compatible.


    - Mikko.

  3. Luce, (is that your name?)

    Welcome to the forum.

    Generally we sign our names around here, if nothing else; at the bottom of our posts - we like to know who we are talking to, keeps it more friendy ;)


    Take a few minutes and read through the forum.. this question has been asked many times before.


    - Mikko

  4. Amazing, we just did a step on and a step off....





    I can only begin to imagine the shots!


    "handsfree up the driveway with the bike, step off as the cyclist sets the bike down and lead them up the front stairs [grip hauls hands-free up into lobby] step back on as the cyclist looks around the large house *very* slowly, then tear off behing him as he runs down the hall when he sees...."


    .. exciting stuff!


    - Mikko

  5. Go slow.


    Pre-drive every shot many times, normally, in position without the rig, rehearse slowly with teh rig, then full speed rehearsal. make sure that everyoen is in good comnicatoin and has an EXACT plan of what is happening. - Including what to do if things go wrong.

    Plan and eliminate as many suprizes as you can.


    Go slow.



    Fly safe,

    - Mikko

  6. Flyer all the way (yes it will fly an SDX900)

    You would have to ad a lot of weight to your DVX to get it to ballance properly on the SKII - it'll ride perfectly on the flyer with space for all the accesories too.


    - Mikko

  7. Mikko:


    The easiest thing is to flip the rig over and shoot upside down, then re-invert in post. Just a few seconds to re-balance the gimbal position and you're good to go, very impressive!


    Thanks for the info CP.. I'll pass that onto Matt....


    ...Matt, did you get that? :lol:



    Yeah, trick works just fine. - or you can get the low-mode kit! (about $100 I think)

    If you do flip the camera, the monitor is also easy to flip.. just undo the screw and put it on upside down.. or i'm (prety) sure that you can just flip the image on the flyer monitor electronicly.


    Any of the afformentioned methods will work!


    - Mikko

  8. No name,

    Millitary on a $500 budget? no way.

    You'd think that the millitry would just drop down for the best automaticaly.. (and FYI, that's about $70,000 for the base rig, plus the accesories normally used..)

    The XL1, and the HVX200 won't fly on the Merlin.. and your wrist bill basically die with them on a GC2000/4000 for any extended period of time. You will want somethign with an arm.

    All rigs pan and tilt. Zooming is a feature of the camera.. you will need a controller for that seperatly (which depends on which rig you get)


    But for $500 your options are very limited.


    I'd sugest dooing a bit more reading, with a bit of reasearch you'll get the idea pretty quick what you are dealing with.


    - Mikko.

  9. Matt and ..Matt,


    Good news for both of you:


    There is a attachment point on the segway for accesories, there is discussion of a bossible hardmount onto there.

    They are still working on it and figuring out stuff like this, and then the cost, which is ballparked by Frank to be somewhere under $20,000.. When Tiffen begins to sell it, So they would definatly be the best peopel get get hold of for more information ... but is is a product once they get decided on a few things.


    - Mikko

  10. I guess i'll chime in with my oppinion of the G70 (and G50) arms..


    Very very nice arms! The G50 weighs very little, and the G70 ain't that heavy either.


    The capaciaty range on the G70 is from 15lbs(!) up to of course 70lbs .... so that is bascailly an empty sled and up!



    It sounds like though this is the prototype/first off the line G70, that it will probably very soon be repalcing the Master/Ultra arm.


    It's just lighter, stiffer (less play), sexier, and smoother. :-)


    - Mikko

  11. The Flyer does this too.


    ..it also lacks the spring in the socket black used to hold the arm back to the side.. so there's the potential for more knocking there too. (Though it's not normally an issue)


    - Mikko

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