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Posts posted by mattmarek

  1. sure there are snags along the way when designing new pieces of technology or gear, but you must be up front and honest about it.


    i waited for my m1 motor from don wetzel for a long time, but at no point was he brushing me off or being rude and my money back was an option the entire waiting period.


    i have also never been brushed off by jim bartell or given run arounds when it came to technical issues.


    we need this forum to be made aware of companies out there...good or bad. becuase, as you put it, this is a niche market and there's not a whole lot of options. why get stuck with one of the lame ducks.

  2. was speaking with a friend steadicam op recently and we touched on the ar. he said it now gives the ability to have newbies compete with us in terms of quality of shots given. (ie. horizon is corrected for them)


    is the ar going to be marketed like this in the future? 'break into the steadicam world with the technique of a seasoned vet' - or something like that?


    i argue this point and say. a newbie still needs to develop the right posture and stamina as well as being able to walk without hitting the rig every step he/she takes. plus the ar makes a rig heavier than normal (?) and this will take even more conditioning. plus, all gear fails at one point or another. try being on set and your ar goes down and you have to execute a normal walk and talk and you can't hold a horizon worth a bag of lint.


    cheers all and look forward to trying this baby out. lynn offered me a fly about 3 years ago, but i was never in the area. soon i hope.


    any stops in the frozen north howard? ;)

  3. sorry to start a new thread,

    but the other one was getting a little messy and clogged up.


    for those with the AR or experience with it: will the AR get rid of the need for gyros? for noobs or even experienced op's, will the AR be used in just standard operating mode to correct horizon? is there any noticeable delay in correction?


    aestheticaly speaking, what kind of image does the AR deliver? does the image feel organic like on a steadicam or is there a mechanical feel to the picture as it is a computer and machine that is making movements/corrections on it's own, without human control.


    as a new tool, we in the steadicam world are all excited by the possibilities that this could bring to us in the future. for everyone else in film, it's just another tool...no excitement or endless posts on forums :D just another way to move the camera. i think that this needs to be dealt with properly in the early stages and operators giving away the AR with their kit to get 'a cam' on big shows, is not the way to do it. this type of behaviour will kill AR. tech support will also need to be at a high, and from what i hear, howard is up to par.


    ok, just my thoughts and a couple of questions.

    lets keep this thread clean please :)

    cheers from istanbul


  4. eric,

    i don't know you nor do i have a bone to pick with you, but if you had any respect for steadicam and the community, how could you write a line like that?

    newer toys are nice and can make life easier, but my friend, they're only tools. if the 3a gimbal truly 'sucked', would we have such shots as the opening to 'bonfire of the vanities' or the eerily dolly like shots in 'at play in the fields of the lord'?

    good gear doesn't make a good op. :D

    keep well.


  5. thomas,

    that's funny. i'm actually here working on a documentary on muay thai. we are visiting a few training camps around and outside the chiang mai area. which one are you at? you're not that really tall bald guy at a place called siam #1 are you?

    you around here for a while?

    rob, will you be around bkk?



  6. i don't think jim was mocking them. hollywood lite obviously marketed a sub-par producet. if they didn't, they wouldn't have sold out. they were one of many companies trying to make an expensive product on the cheap. am i sorry they're gone? nope.

  7. i think it's scary as hell what is going on down there. tough call. would've voted kerry, but would he have been THAT much better? still some improvement i'd think.


    bush and his rich family/friends are definately profiting off this. i hear that he hasn't even attended a single soldier funeral.


    alternative fueled car development/funding is being hampered (gee, could that hamper the oil industry W?) he drops the words God and prayer into every possible sentence he can to reach out to the large religious #'s in the states. not that i'm against religion at all, but i'm against somebody using it to their advantage, when they clearly do not practice that faith. when asked in an interview if he ever prayed for saddam, he answered "the thought never occured to me." those of the christian faith are brought up to pray for there enemies. he's racked up an incredible deficit... one that will only be increased with these tax breaks he's discussing. i could go on. well, not too much more, as i'm still an ignorant canadian suffering from brain freeze. :D


    cheers all. sorry to have missed you david when you were up at walters. did you guys enjoy t.o? any stories to share? i'd love to hear some of that saudi history will.

  8. i personaly think 3 second cuts is too quick. how does that show off one's skill at steadicam? wouldn't a 1:55 length reel with a handful of lengthier takes prove one's expertise more? any hack can keep a rig level for 3 seconds. :)


    my take on it if i were a dop or director viewing.

  9. what is a runaway production? do you think that the movie must be shot where the money is or came from? producers have and will continue to shoot where they can that fits the budget. this is the nature of the producer. if he can save money by shooting in prague or s. africa, is it not a no-brainer that he'll be taking his production there? and it's you guys that have made l.a such a saturated market so you can't complain about the numbers of unemployed crew. i don't know about current vancouver situations, but toronto is miserable right now and has been for a while. very little ia action. again, toronto is a bit of a saturated market in these times. if i wan't to, i'm free to leave.

    michael: what are your thoughts on these productions going to loiseana and other such states? are you not willing to go there for the work? is that also considered a runaway production because it's not being shot in your backyard?

    love you all, and i'm not wanting to come across as negative or stand-offish, but i'm tired of hearing americans complain about how the days of now are nothing like the days of 10/15 years ago and how you guys 'deserve' the work to be kept at home.

    peace. :)

  10. ...and a lovely smile it is steve :-) i think i have a good one of you from back at the workshop. i'll dig around.


    re: the cables. these dp's that need the hd image drive me nuts! it's usually the lower end shows that i end up doing it on, because they are just not confident about the image. for any shot with a degree of dificulty, i just voice my concern of the 'suckiness' of the shot to the director and about 90% of the time, i get my way and the cable is chopped :) when i do go with the lump of cable, i just give it a nice loop over my chest and tether a bit a caribeener on my vest, this way the cable wrangler can have some room for error. still a pain though when you get into panning. anything in DJ and i refuse. not worth it.


    re: the cartoon drawing. i'll get on that one david. (it won't be from me though. cool?)

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