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Igor Votintsev

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Posts posted by Igor Votintsev

  1. ...The only thing that looks a little scary to me is all the plastic buckles, but I guess they are no worse/better than the ski boot style closures on the LX vest.

    There are no problems with plastic buckles. I had a Sachtler vest old style (5 years) and ACT2 (2 yeas). And I'm fly with heavy cameras.

  2. ...can someone explain me the easiest way to get and mount on every car a jerry hill or whatever car mount?

    I have a very simple idea about car mount for low budget expeditions (without lighting and grip department). The euro mount plate (Baer-Bel hard mount) fastens on screws to my aluminum case, which fixed to ratchet tie down strap. It's very quickly and with "comfort" (I'm smiling on this photo).



  3. Look at the picture with ALEXA and Sony V-mout Plate (inc. Baer-Bel Rod Elevator) on my rig. I use this plate instead of Artemis camera plate. I like it, because it's very light (400g) and strong, without vibrations.


  4. Hello from Russia.

    It's my first post in this forum. Last year I had job with Phantom 3D. My opinion is very simple. This system is very light, it's very good. But I see two shots in my monitor, it is worse. My experience 3D is very simple too - stable horizon and a stable distance.

    Look at some technical pictures from this project:









    I think is good idea (symbiosis of the American camera and Russian lenses as the СОЮЗ-APOLLO,is less global only).



    Igor and my friendly Google machine translator.

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