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Johan Tarland

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  1. Also lots of thanks to you Dave, i think i have two choices right now. Either i buy this Provid2+ which i can afford and get a steadi of my own :-) or, i have to wait a long time for more money or prices to drop on better rigs... I tend to get stressed up sometimes and dont think logical when i want something, so im gonna go over this in my head now. Thanks guys!
  2. Ok, thanks a lot Erik. Its a lot of new words for me, but the socketblock thing, i guess that means that you can slide the camera on top of the sled back and forth? http://www.blocket.se/vi/15339614.htm?ca=8_s this is the link to the swedish page, but is it possible to see on these pictures about this you think? Im gonna check with the seller but i dont think he know very much about his system.. I would be more than happy to buy that EFP but then the pricing is an issue. This i would be able to buy and try, you know... Well see, very thankful for your help this far!
  3. Also thanks to you Andre for the input! /J
  4. Hey Erik, thanks for the welcome and sorry about the namething, taken care of now :-) I gonna check on those extra questions you had about the Provid 2+, thanks alot! Actually i have always kind of thought that an EFP would be the best starter-rig, but they seem to be hard to get a hold of, now you say there is one in Sweden, lucky me who lives in Sweden:-) I have found one here on a small advertisingsite for BC-equipment, he hasnt replied on my mail though. Were did you find the one i Sweden? Wonder if its the same one... If now the EFP should be sold, back to the Provid. I am aware about the weigh tissue,l but if i keep to the limit(or under) is it a bad steadi to fly with, i mean, will it be harder to get good images with this one? About the pricing i believe its a good price on the Provid, that is part of why i got interested from the first place. In euro it would be around 3600:-, how does that sound? Also, what would be a reasonable price for a EFP you think? /Johan
  5. Hi everybody! One simple question for you, the oppurtunity has come up for me to get my hands on a Provid 2+rig. And so I wanna know, is it a good rig? I havent been able to find very much info about it around... I havent taken a workshop but sure would if i bougth this, so the thing is more if if the system is worth having. My plan is to fly cameras like DSR570, XDCAMS, P2s and such. Maybe OB-cams with wireless units aswell. Im thinking, is this is a rig to grow with? if you know what im saying. Is it possible to upgrade the rig? As you notice, im kind of new on this, but if someone has some thoughts about this i would be more than happy! /Johan
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