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martin klimpar

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  1. hello is there any product so far for attaching camera (up to 10lbs / 5kgs) to the actor and doing medium shot? (ideally hips connected to be able to do fully medium shot) ... i found only http://doggicam.com/which has almost no info about pricing and products... is there any other? interested in heavier variant for red epic (up to 20lbs / 10kgs) any tips recomendations?
  2. any cinematographers flying with glidecam hd4000 + red scarlet/epic here? so far i found only couple poor setups very "indie" sytle :-) anybody found comfoprtable working solution, solved fixature to connect monitors and batteries probably to lower part of glidecam? which cables, attachements? thanks for advice...
  3. is there any (cheap) way how to convert CVBS (composite) to SD SDI?
  4. wtb wireless follow focus, ideally which is upgradeable to 2channel kit (focus, iris) -- RTMOTION MK3 -- JAG35 FOCUS (2motor set) -- REDROCK MICRO WIRELESS FF -- HOCUS WIRELESS FOCUS -- BARTECH WITH HEDEN MOTORS thanks for any info, i need it till friday in Prague, Czech republic... if any offer please contact me directly through martin at biofilms cz or klimpar at vonkuttenberg com
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