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Zoltan Jonas

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About Zoltan Jonas

  • Birthday 05/07/1990

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  • Location
    Sydney, Australia
  • Rig
    Steadicam Clipper 324

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  1. I won't pretend to act as technical support for the system, but that simply (and obviously) does not sound normal. Try submitting your grievances to the RTMotion crew, they'd be very interested to hear. In any case, that's a very unusual group of symptoms.
  2. I've read of people's serious concern with the near-distance cut-out. This is apparently a symptom unique to this system. The symptom is only trully problematic within the highest powered transmission mode (to maximise range). Besides, you'd only really need maximum range for drone work, for which you're never really going to be very near the camera anyway. On the 'low' transmission setting, my trials have consistently caused a cut-out ONLY when the hand unit is within 20cm of the reciever, which, in any scenario I can realistically think of, is much closer than the two units will ever be, even if operator and focus-puller are standing right next to each other. It's an unfortunate problem for the RTMotion system, not because it poses as an operational weakness per-se, but because the theory of it casts a sebseuent doubt over the integrity of the system as a whole. I definitely don't think it's fair to be dismissisive of the entire kit over this single limitation. In any other respect, I've yet to have the system fail on me. It's a system that's delivered for me in many ways that Preston, Arri, Bartech, and Hocus could never - and that's why I chose it. The connection cutting out at very close range is the very least of my problems.
  3. There is a BETA firmware available on the RTMotion website which implements a memory in the motor unit for its most recent calibration. If you have the motor calibrated to turn a DSLR lens, the motor will remeber the calibration between power cycles - the engineer claims it will remember near indefinitely. I've had this firmware installed since shortly after its release in February, and it's worked very well for me. It's very convenient to be able to switch batteries without manually recalibrating everytime I do so. ANY new calibrations of the motor are now done exclusively through the handset. The motor does not auto-calibrate on its own in this firmware. This is very helpful with DSLR work. It adds a very small extra step in the procedure for hard-stop lenses, as now you deliberately have to initiate a re-cal on your own. Kudos to the team for this update.
  4. I've had my single-motor RT Motion kit for about 12 months now, and I find myself hugging the hand unit after every shoot. The compact size, relative to it's sheer veratility makes me question the size of the other recievers on the market. I've had Prestons and Bartechs on my Zephyr sled before. I'm glad not to have worry about mounting those any more. The *current* release firmware resets the motor between power cylces - fine for cine lenses, but a pain for DSLR lenses. A new BETA release firmware I've installed has the motor remember near-indefinitely (years) its previous calibration, making DSLR work much easier. I've given my big thumbs ups to the engineer for this. Any new calibration is done exclusively through the hand unit. THe hand unit's firware hasn't enjoyed much evolution so far, but the best bit is the knob, which has the perfect level of tensioning and fluidity to it. Sometimes I concern for debris falling into the iris slider, but I hardly ever need that anyway. I've come to love the thumb-wheel accessory also, in fact, it makes focus pulling on a DSLR shoulder-rig a whole new experience. I wouldn't do it any other way now. If/when my work expands, I can buy another motor, and and have a two channel system. Simple as that. Some minor gripes though: The securing bolt mechanism on the motor can get difficult to access. It works well, but is often buried around the lens and rails. Also, as I've suggested to RT Motion incessantly, I really need a run/stop trigger for DSLR cameras (though the USB). THis would make its integration into my rig complete. I know I sound like a blind fanboy on this product by now. Truth is, I'd never touched an RT Motion system before spending very serious money on it, and now it's totally indispensible.
  5. Looks like I might pass my video upload. Carl Kresser has beaten me to it in timing and informative quality, what I'd have wouldn't even compare.
  6. I finally shot a demo of some of the basic features of the system. I'll have it uploaded tomorrow or Wednesday.
  7. Looks like it'll have to wait till nest weekend - the the camera and lens I wanted to use in the demo weren't available, sorry.
  8. Hi Kyriacos, I completely understand your dilemma. I made a move on the RTMotion without the benefit of peer review. I'm in the midst of gathering some resources for a proper video review. I'm hoping to spend tomorrow with the shoot and edit. It may have to happen next weekend depending on equipment availability. I'll show the motor in action, but I won't be able to directly compare it to the other systems you mention. You'll have to judge for yourself from whatever footage I can put out.
  9. Kyriacos, I've decided with some spare time this weekend to make a video review - properly. I'll have to pull a few resources together. I'm sure you've looked through the company website and seen all the photos at least. Is there anything specific you'd like for the review to focus on?
  10. Hi Chris, there's beound to be a unit you can try somewhere around where you live. I tried holding out for this kind of assurance on my end, but it simply didn't come. Impatiently, I took a risk, and thankfully, to my benefit, and to everyone's who reads this, it delivered well.
  11. Yes, fair point from Louis. You can't and shouldn't directly compare RTMotion to Preston. Completely different classes of product.
  12. There is some truth about the motor mounting difficulties. It's a solid mount, but inconvenient to access in compact builds. The suggested filmtools bracket is a smart idea of course, but not strictly necessary. I'll live fine without one for now. Third party motors are not yet compatible (according to website faqs), as the receiver only provides power and networking, not driving signals. A dongle adapter has been mentioned to be in the pipeline, which would allow 3rd party motors. Not anytime soon though I imagine.
  13. $8000 Australian dollars at the time - greenback has strengthened since then. My package included my needs for Steadicam - most power cable options, and all camera cables. Plus with the thumb wheel, spare marking disks, courier, it did add up. That didn't include the Canon batteries for operation. Ultimately, I'm very glad to have comprehensively accessorized. I just wish they'd make a usb dslr run/stop cable.
  14. @Massimo Oh yeah, so you had a chat with Ash, good on you. I'm intrigued by the Tilta System. I have a vague recollection of it, just looking at the website, I remember passing by the demo model at CineGear several times, though I can't comment beyond face value at it's viability, except, if you're stated price for a 3 channel system is $5000, I wouldn't expect too much. My single-motor RTMotion kit cost around $8000, so that immediately speaks for itself. I know that you're looking for some objective reassurance before making such a financial commitment. I know the feeling. I took (in very large part) a leap of faith when purchasing the RTMotion 3.1, and that was after only scarce user feedback, and a superficial attraction to its design. Also, a local Steadicam colleague of mine was vocally sceptical about the company (though I'm sceptical of the true motivation of his opinion ;)) back when I was finally putting serious consideration into it. I am happy with it. It involved a moderate (in the scheme of things) investment, but now I'm confident about it. I have no regrets.
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