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Brent Johnson

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About Brent Johnson

  • Birthday 02/04/1989

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  1. "AC-8321 is superior on its long range transmit performance over 70 feets" Thats not really superior...
  2. Hey guys, I'm having a battery connection problem and I have to solder one of the wires back on. Except I'm having difficulty taking apart the transmitter... Does anyone have any experience doing so? I have taken the focus wheel cover of an I have ran into a stripped screw... I might have to drill it out. any thoughts?
  3. Message me if your selling. My budget is 14k range
  4. Looking to upgrade rigs

  5. Interesting, I didn't know Mr. Cameron did all of the Hand Held operating. Would that mean he would have to still pay the camera operator even though hes not working?
  6. Nice Chris, Thanks for the follow up about the pin, and the hat tip, haha. Cheers
  7. I drove down to LA last week to drop it off/help out on a buddies set. Derek will be mailing it out tomorrow I believe.
  8. Just got a quote from Derek over at Tiffen today. It's $117 and thats including shipping. Good news for sure. I'm looking forward to hear what locking pin works best so I can upgrade. Cheers
  9. Gotta fix this Zephyr Arm!

  10. Not all stages have safeties built into them. Many don't today, and many more in years past didn't either. And cameras fell. Very likely, it was the cameras falling that led to someone at some point designing a safety into the stages. I'd bet, however, that never did an operator become angry with the manufacturer for not protecting them from improperly mounting a camera. That's interesting, I always thought they had them built in. I'm taking it over to Tiffen on Monday, looking forward to what they say as well. Thanks again for the responses and allowing me to vent a bit. This is a great Forum!
  11. I accept 100% responsibility. Doesn't mean I can't be disappointed in the Engineering for a 10K product. Answer me this: How about your camera stage, if it didn't have the protected "stops" for the fore and aft movement of the steadicam dovetail. Would you be "disappointed in the engineers" if one day, for a split second, you didn't realize that the dovetail wasn't locked down fully and you had 30lbs of camera on it. Then you go to operate the camera. 5hrs into the shoot you tilt down 90 degrees for a shot and *plop* all the camera gear goes crashing to the water! (Because you were getting a reflection shot off a pier in a very still lake.) And the production is screwed, and it's your fault. All because an engineer, didn't think to protect the customer. But we have those on our stages to protect us, and I'm sure many have been saved because of it.
  12. I think a good monitor to add would be the Small HD DP7 HB-SX http://www.smallhd.com/products/dp7-pro/dp7_specs_page_template.php The stats are just astounding.
  13. Yeah the pin was inserted from the bottom, thus it fell out while operating and ended up bending the arm... But really? That simple of a thing to happen with no warnings from the manual or anything... I'm a bit disappointed in who "OK'ed" that engineering decision.
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