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Jameson Johnson

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Jameson Johnson last won the day on November 18 2012

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About Jameson Johnson

  • Birthday February 6

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  • Location
    Minneapolis, MN
  • Rig
    Archer2, G-50x

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  1. I posted in the previous thread as well. I contacted Tiffen and they sent me two shims of different thickness. I started with the thinner of the two and it did the trick. The lock has been much more firm now and hasn't unlocked one time since. I've had the sled loaded down pretty well too, not a problem at all.
  2. Mike - thank you for the response. As I stated above, I appreciate how involved you are in this forum and with your customers in general. You reflect well upon the company. I will not be a customer of the extended service plan, and I think the initial advertising is misleading - in general, extended warranties cause me to question products. However, I do appreciate the willingness to help customers and plan to continue being a Teradek customer.
  3. I agree with your assessment. I like Teradek, I like the product, and that's why I bought a Bolt Pro in the first place. IMO, they had the best combination of tech and form for the price. I've also recommended and sold clients of mine on Teradek products. What I do see so often these days are companies that take the position that they are more important to the customer than the customer is to them. I would hate to see that happen to Teradek. They have indeed released new featured, firmware, etc. They currently have several products that I am looking at purchasing, and actively developing a market base for them. Perhaps it is simply bad marketing or communication on their part on this one. And perhaps I did not give enough credit. Mike Gailing has been extremely involved in this forum alone, addressing issues publicly and head on. He represents the kind of service and support I expect from a company. This kind of service and the product experience I have had is why I would put my name behind Teradek as well. That said, we operate in an industry made up of small businesses and entrepreneurs looking to do their best in life. I do get very defensive of this group (small business) when I feel like an entity is trying to take advantage. Inwardly, if I endorse a product/company to my clients and then feel as through things may turn, it would reflect poorly on my business as well. I hope that I am wrong in this assessment, and wish them success. I intend to be a loyal customer of Teradek myself.
  4. I own a Teradek Bolt Pro, and it works great! It does what I need it to do, when I need it to do that. I paid retail price directly from Teradek.
  5. I just received the email about the new service extension offered by Teradek. To be honest, this makes me really question whether to buy another product from Teradek. I'll explain. For a seemingly significant amount of money, I get to extend a warranty that covers only defects for 2 years - even though the email and the tagline on the sales page says "last a lifetime." 1 or 2 years, in fact, not a lifetime. Moreover - this "offer" to cover only maufacturer defects, not accidental damage makes me question whether Teradek will actually stand by it's products. If it is in fact a "defect," as the manufacturer you should repair or fix the problem at no cost to the customer. That's what a good customer oriented company that wants to develop a long lasting, loyal customer would do. And to make a "limited time offer" to extend a defect only coverage at a price makes me think that Teradek has discovered a potential defect and is hedging against future returns, rather than deal with the problem before a project or client relationship is compromised. Why else would I be asked to pay extra for a 2-year "lifetime" defect support warranty? In short - stand by your products, and don't try to sell me on expensive coverage for a manufacturer defect! Regards, Jameson Johnson
  6. I agree - I've had mine for a year and a half. It's been very reliable and on every live show I've done since I got it.
  7. I have run into the same problem, but even after tightening the screw I'm not confident in the grip. It doesn't take much force to unlock the lever, and the same to lock it in place. I'll check with Tiffen for a thicker shim. Good suggestion from Evrim though.
  8. ...Although the knee pads are a nice touch.
  9. Hey Bryan - I'm on the show with you. I've got a Boxx Tallis system coming for you. I've used this system with live Steadi before and it works well. The tally receiver is PTap. We were initially misquoted on the remote paint capability of the camera we're using. That's why the late effort for tally.
  10. I've used the utility several times - there are no steps beyond Step 7. After you've paired, Step 7 asks you to restart once more while holding the reset button; this I believe re-enters the menu at which point you click the "confirm pair" button. I believe that click sends commands to lock in the pair and exit the menus and return to normal.
  11. Peter - Is this the CW-5 or the CW-7? I've used the IDX wireless on jobs before, and have had problems with it taking hits in all environments. I've had good luck in a rehearsal, then bad for show. I've even had it break up in a corn field away from other 5Ghz RF, explain that.... If you do find a fix, I'm sure a lot of people will be very interested in the solution! Jameson
  12. I've only flown the Cabrio once on a demo, but with my G-zoom I experienced the same issue - slow zoom speed for sure, but slower on the zoom out. I thought I had a problem with the controller, but like yours, it worked fine on other ENG lenses.
  13. Mike - I haven't seen the final cut, but I had a usually picky pair of director/producer watching the feed and both said they didn't see a single dropout. I was within 200' of the receiver during the show, but in our wireless tests ahead of time, I got 500+ feet from the receiver through at least 1 layer of cinder block before it started to sparkle. I did have high gain antennas on the receiver for the show that were after market, but still provided from Boxx LA. I did test with the stock 5-way antennas, 3- 2020 and 2-205, without a problem to 300 feet. Still waiting on the line cut myself. I've got the system again on a national conference for a large financial corporation in November. Are there specific things I could test or check for you? The environment will be a 2500 seat auditorium at the Minneapolis Convention Center downtown. Lots of errant wifi in the area, but outside the range of the 5.16 that the Meridian works best in. I want to put it though it's paces next summer on a few outdoor music shows too - that's a way off though.
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