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Yuri Kawana

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    London & Tokyo

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  1. Hi, You should contact David Ellis at Marell for more info. He should be able to give you all the info you need, and answer questions. 2 Dave(s) are very nice guys, they'll always answer the phone or reply to your email. I haven't used any Teletest equipment, it sure looks great. I have a video-link from marell which never failed, and I get all my cables made by them. 'The director' monitor is I think about 1800~2000 UKP. Can't remember..... but considering the customer service it might be a good investment. I once got a gig just because I was using the marell video-link....very strange.... the director asked me if I had Transvideo or Marell and i said marell...then I got the job....funny world...... Don't know about Teletest's products and their customer service so I can't comment on Teletest. It looks alright for a back-up. whatever you buy, I hope you will be satisfied. Best Yuri
  2. Hi David, Maybe try ProCam Inc., Seoul: Tel: +82-2-555-5795; Fax: +82-2-555-5794. They might not have a rig there, but Sanwa equipment rental in Tokyo should be able to ship it to Seoul since they are same company (I think....) Sanwa has MK-V, Provid, and others.... Even if Sanwa does shipping, there is no guaranty that those rigs will be available. Give ProCam, Seoul a call and find out. Don't know how much they'll charge though.... I Still think, if you can, you should take your own equipment.... will you have time to check out the rig? also, cables can be a big problem! I hope this helps With regards to the rate 1500 UKP ?? Maybe those operators are well seasoned and well respected there in Korea so may that's why.....? or may be they have 1 or 2 back up equipment. Korea is not a cheap city! infact it's the 2nd or 3rd most expensive city to live in. Tokyo is not that bad :) London is expensive.... :( Hope you get to have a nice spicy food Best regards Yuri P.S. Are you shooting a film?
  3. Hi, Why don't you try 'The director' wireless monitor from Marell. Great customer service!! Yuri
  4. Hi David, Why don't you take your equipment? Take fewer cases as possible and make them as heavy as possible. Insurance is a must! Yuri London & Tokyo
  5. yes indeed Zeitx is Ben Fishers's company. don't go near it. you'll probably get burnt. yuri
  6. Hi all, Since my last posting, I haven't heard anything from Ben Fisher, no refund no nothing. I was not aware of his move, so I had to get his new address from somebody else. I Believe I am still his customer and I think it's his responsiblity to tell us all when and where he will be moving to. I am now in the process of a claim thought the court. He hasn't replied to this either. Well the claim can go ahead without him so in my opinion, I'm not bothered about him ignoring. My experience with this has been nothing but waste of time and money (my money, Ben) . In April, I was told refund will take 3 weeks. Well it's now morethan 3months. I'm wondering if he ever will send me a refund. After everything is setteled down, I hope not to see him or his product ever again. Yuri London/UK
  7. With regard to Mr Ben Fisher of Unitcine, I thought I should share this with you guys. On the 4th February 2005 I've paid Mr. Fisher in full for his Benz FF system + 1 Heden motor. He told me the order will be completed within 3 to 4 weeks of receipt of the payment. Just over 3 weeks later, I called Mr. Fisher to ask when the order will be sent to me. I was told within 7 to 10 days. So after a further 10 days I called him again and was then told by Mr. Fisher that he was still waiting for the Heden motor to arrive which should be within 7 days. After 7 more days, nothing. So I asked Mr. Fisher by e-mail what was going on and I got a reply which said: "At present we do not know when the Heden motors will be in stock here in the UK, reliance on Heden is one of the reasons we have developed our own digital motor. I will send you out a loan system this week, your production order will then be along shortly after that" Mr. Fisher said that he would send the loan system out on Thursday 24th March and I should receive it the next day.......Needless to say, I didn't receive the loan system. I sent him a letter requesting a full refund on the 4th April. 2 weeks went passed with no reply from Mr Fisher. So, on 18th April, my colleague and I decided to visit the company's premises to find out what was going on. When we got there the office was closed, but we decided to be persistent and phoned him and left 2 strong messages. Soon after leaving the 2nd message, Mr Fisher showed up. The first thing he asked rudely was, ' what do you want?' My colleague and I stated that we had come to collect the goods that had been fully paid for, otherwise a refund. He said, ' I'm not prepared to discuss this with you right now' and When my colleague persisted, Mr Fisher tried to intimidate him by walking up to him as though he intended to hit him. My colleague stood firm and threatened to call the police. Mr Fisher backed down. He then decided to discuss matters with me and after a long conversation full of excuses and empty promises in my opinion, he offered to send me a loan system within 3 days, and stated that the order will be completed within 2 weeks. He further stated that if I still wanted a refund I would have to wait 3 weeks for it..... I rejected this offer and sent him a letter by recorded delivery the next day requesting the full refund within 7 days. Meanwhile, I contacted Heden Engineering and found out that Mr Fisher placed an order for 3 motors on the 18th February, and was sent an invoice on the 26thFebruary. Apparently that's the last time they were in contact and he hasn't paid for them so the motors were never shipped. I haven't heard from Mr Fisher since the visit. I haven't received my refund yet. I am approaching this matter differently now. I will post again to tell you guys what is happening. Best regards, Yuri Kawana London,UK.
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