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John Pappas

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About John Pappas

  • Birthday 03/26/1980

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  1. Hi All, As some of you are aware I was in a serious Motorbike accident about a fortnight ago in Central Australia. I came off my bike at about 100kmh in the middle of nowhere. I was flown by the Royal Flying Doctor Service to Broken Hill and on to Adelaide for surgery, and was in a coma for 48hrs. I have shattered my left wrist, have several broken fingers and bruising - my head is clear after 4 CT scans (they suspected a skull fracture) but I will be out of action for the next two months or so with more surgery expected in the next week. I have been inundated with calls and emails and would like to thank everyone for their well wishes. It always surprises me how quickly news travels and how close the industry really is. Thanks once again, John Pappas
  2. Hi Guys, All aquatics are being done by an Australian crew provided to BOB by Seven Network Australia. Steadicam Operators include Glenn Steer, Toby Hogan etc. The usual suspects at NBC are here as well eg Joe De Bonis. The Rowing 'Skycam' is actually a Flycam, being run by Dane Clarke from FlyCam Australia. It includes a new, nice and light 5 way gyro head. Cheers, John Pappas (in Beijing)
  3. Flew the 312 and 324 today at NAB. What can I say? Nice. Impressive. Basically has everything I need in a rig. John Pappas East Coast, AUSTRALIA
  4. ok - for those in Vegas this week who do want to catch up for a drink or three.... my US Cell No is 650 215 8910. (yes, it has changed since last trip). I should be in Vegas tomorrow (Sunday) but definately monday and tuesday. Cheers, John John Pappas East Coast, Australia
  5. Depends on the circumstances. If the operator was a known VariLite hitter, then a shorter sled would be better than a longer one! B) PS: See you Wed. Most prob around 3. I'll call ya when I know whats happening. Cheers, John John Pappas East Coast, AUSTRALIA
  6. I am planning to be at NAB this year as well. Arriving into Vegas on the 14th - departing 16th. For those of you that were going to catch up with me for a drink or three in LA or elsewhere, please let me know if you are going to be at NAB so we can catch up there. Cheers, John Pappas East Coast, Australia
  7. Hi All, At workshops and here on the forum, we often talk about the importance of good posture when operating Steadicam. In early November I unfortunately sustained an injury to my lower back. This was not Steadicam related, and, even with physio several times a week, it looks like it has put me off work until at least February. When being assessed by the Doctors, it was metioned how lucky I was to have such a strong back - and how this had prevented further injury. Yes, they were talking about 'those' muscles. In essence, having good posture has saved me from SERIOUS injury. If you haven't already read it, I would recommend reading Chris Fawcett's 'Thought's on Steadicam Posture' which is available on Tiffen's website. Seeing the importance of this first hand has really opened my eyes to how lucky I have been. Some people have asked if I will give up Steadicam now that I have had an injury. I most definately will not. With the right posture and technique, and the medical evidence that my back was in better condition BECAUSE of operating, I will be back in the rig as soon as I can. Just thought I'd share my experiences. All the best for 2008. John Pappas Pappas Media Services East Coast, Australia
  8. Morgs, Contact me off forum about this. Can see what we can do to help. You've got my email.. Cheers, John Pappas Media Services East Coast, Australia
  9. Hi Sven, When you said you were asked by VRT to do Olympics - is it on their behalf or for the Olympics Broadcast Organisation 'Host Broadcaster'? I work regularly on the Olympics for both NBC and Seven - the Australian network - and have never had problems with rates / conditions etc - but this is working for Networks as apposed to the Host Broadcaster. It also was not with Steadicam. John John Pappas Pappas Media Services East Coast, Australia
  10. John Pappas

    Clipper 2/24

    Hi All, Well I am now close to ordering a new rig. I have been looking at all makes for a while and have finally come down to two - a Clipper 2 or 24, with Ultra 2 Vest and HD Ultrabrite. I really wanted a U2 but cannot justify it with the work that I do. (doh!) These question are for the current Owner/Operators of the Clipper 2/24 series. How have you found the rig now that you've been using it for a while? What cameras / set ups have you been able to fly? eg maximums? Is there anything you regret with your rig that you'd do differently if you had a chance to do it all again? eg are you maxing out the G-50 most of the time and should have got the G-70? I am planning to keep the 3A as backup so when and if I need to fly a heavier rig I can do so on this arm instead of the 50. Thanks, John Pappas Pappas Media Services East Coast, Australia
  11. Hi Robert, I seem to recall a G50 arm making a similar noise at the last SOA workshop, and the solution was applying a lube to a trunion (i think). I would double check with Tiffen or maybe Jerry Holway. Peter Abraham was with me at the time, and he might remember more. John Pappas Pappas Media Services East Coast, AUSTRALIA
  12. Andrew, I would definately take the workshop. I hear Phil is a great teacher, and Sydney is not that bad of a place! A lot of people think they can pick up a rig and fly it, but as I said before, you really need to understand not just the principles, but the art and appreciation of Steadicam. From a workshop you would also learn how to fly a rig properly and learn exercises that will assist you with your development. From there you can ask more questions here. As pointed out by Robert, there are people like Peter Abraham who live and breathe the Flyer (BTW - Hey Peter! Will talk to ya soon RE Asia!) - and are more than happy to answer any queries you may have - from Flying rigs to 'where do i get this mod from?'. Cheers, John Pappas Pappas Media Services EAST COAST, AUSTRALIA
  13. Hi Andrew, For Steadicam Courses in Australia - particularly a Flyer workshop I would speak to Phil Balsdon. He runs weekend Flyer Workshops, and is very, very good. His workshops are also supported by Lemac, the Australia / New Zealand Steadicam Dealer. His website is www.steadi-onfilms.com.au As it is my Flyer Rig that has been offered to you, It could be seen a little biased for me to push it here, and I won't. (And yes, I am only selling it to buy another bigger rig) One thing I will say though is even though you can compare rigs and pricing to that of those overseas, take into acount the local market, the cost of landing it, Customs, taxes, local support and the possibility that the rig is not as described - or worse. Cheers, John Pappas Pappas Media Services East Coast, AUSTRALIA
  14. Hey Jaron. I think 'someone' was actually me, but in case it wasn't, here are my thoughts anyway! (I'm in the process of ordering two right now!) For video I dont see any problems with it although the Bartech would be modified - as the maximum motor drive i think is dropped from 18v to 13v, as the Stanton motors would tear the teeth off the output gear. So your Bartech would be modified, but Jim has assured me that if you later upgraded your motors just send the Bartech back and he will make the change for free. I actually emailed Jim today about it and have priced up the BFD with Stanton R/A Motor, power cables etc for US$2635. And what do I think of the Stanton motors? I use them on the Jimmy Jib with video / film with no problems, and several Steadicam Ops use them with the Zoom / Focus Control. My plan is to also buy the gimbal mount focus control (I think its $75?) and mount it on my gimbal next to the Bebob Zoe (which I use for Zoom Control). This means for not only do I have full control at the gimbal, but when I need it, I've also got a BFD as well. Cheers, John Pappas Pappas Media Services Lighting, Steadicam, Jimmy Jib. East Coast, Australia
  15. Hey JP, What problems have Lemac had with theirs? I am curious now.... Dylan, Congrats on your Flyer purchase. I take it this means my Flyer will be doing less 'trips' to Melbourne anymore for Hires! Cheers, John Pappas Sydney (and ACT) 0425 253 554
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