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Jordan Tetewsky

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Jordan Tetewsky last won the day on July 16 2017

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  1. Hey, does anyone in NYC have a spare 5/8'' arm post they're not using this weekend that could be picked up tonight or tomorrow and returned on Monday? Thanks, and please pm or shoot me a txt at 339-364-4114
  2. I should also specify that I would like to try a pro arm out as well as a G70x arm.
  3. Hello guys, if you have a tiffen steadicam m1 or a gpi pro, I'm looking to try one out before I go and buy a rig. PM me and we can discuss compensation. Thanks!
  4. Edmundo, they are not cheating. It just requires practice. I use the glidecams all the time and the footage looks as good as a real steadicam because they are essentially the same, one is just designed for heavier rigs. The product you have is very cheap and not great, and very difficult to balance because it lacks fine tune adjustment knobs. I taught a class this semester and one of the students had that for his dslr, and we were able to balance it and get as usable shots as one might on a better hand-held stabilizer. You can definitely throw on stabilizer and mask your shots, but this won't be necessary once you get good enough. Here's a project that the the student I had did with his stabilizer (same model as yours), and keep in mind, he's still learning just like you.
  5. Is this a common issue with Red cameras on steadicam? I had a shoot a few weeks ago, and anytime I moved faster than 3 miles per hour the image would have jitters like those in the video- I thought it was something wrong with the arm, and I got the springs adjusted, but now I'm not so sure.
  6. I'm entirely confused by what this means...
  7. I fly a glidecam x-22 and the included docking bracket makes it difficult to dynamic balance without putting the rig on, because the setup will hit the c-stand. Anyone know if it's safe to buy a different docking bracket that's longer if it's made by a different company?
  8. Hey guys, I was wondering if you could critique my one-take I shot for class. This was done hwith a hand-held stabilizer without a focus puller- I'm also starting to cut a reel. I'm wondering if mind is too unusual, by starting with a long take, and keeping it going for 30 ish seconds, and then making a cut to different stuff- I'm adding and changing out the last shot to it when I get more, but for now, let me know what you think/what should be cut/what's bad.
  9. Once again, I am not the director, I do not choose the framing. I argued on that. We are all students who are learning. My job for this shoot is to listen to the director, and keep as steady as possible. I ran into this problem, which I thought was rooted in dynamic balance, but it appears to be I am wrong. Eric- I don't think the rig was bottom heavy, as I still had the same drop time (around 2.5 seconds), and the top was definitely heavier. My post was extended out to medium length (probably about three to four inches out. Correct me if I'm wrong (I very well may be), but can a rig still be bottom heavy if it is correctly balanced, or does being bottom heavy by definition mean it is improperly balanced? I do agree I need to improve my technique, but I don't know how much I can improve it with all the weight going to just my arm- having that on my arm for the 2 and a half minutes it was for several takes was killing it.
  10. I thought I'd just ask. I used a much heavier camera than usual the other night (in total it was a 5 pound camera + the glidecam with two weights on each end all supported on my arm), and I found that panning fast was almost impossible, maybe because dynamic balance could not be adjusted- maybe in the first shot, the pendulum is do to poor dynamic balance? We ended up shooting it so that he hugged the wall when going up the stairs, to take the pan slower. Here's the shot I took; I did not choose the framing on the stairs- the director wanted the focus on the ass/bag, which was really hard for me to get. I don't plan to use this shot on a reel or anything, but feel free to add criticism. Edit: There was also no wireless focus etc..
  11. I use an hd-2000. You will not learn it perfectly in a few days, and pretty much any canon lens on it will balance with either one to two weights on each side. Even one of the hand-held rigs takes practice, and lots of it. Edit: You can balance anything from 2-6 lbs on the glidecam. Edit 2: You do understand that you can't pull focus while it's on a steadicam, unless it's wireless, right? You should definitely shoot wide, and stop down as much as you can, especially on something like a glidecam without a focus puller.
  12. That's really cool. I'm still having trouble finding the spots where they do the pulls. Also wondering how they made the knife look so good.
  13. Just watched Hanna. Incredible shot. I'm wondering how it was so well choreographed to the point where they were able to do it all in one take and make that fight look so damn good. This is the highest quality I could find, but it's missing the first minute: To operators/cinematographers: Did they replace the bulbs in the tunnel to match outdoor lighting? I'm wondering how a shot like this is exposed so that everything is so perfectly consistent.
  14. Haven't read through the whole thread but it seems like you posted this footage expecting everyone to be like "wow, that was your first time flying, amazing". It's pretty clear you were seeking compliments on something unworthy of any good remarks.
  15. Alright sweet. I've never used a "real" steadicam, but it is something I've been considering, as I'm asked to do glidecam work a lot, and I'm doing so for a feature film in a month. My only concern is that I want to eventually be either a dp or director, and I don't know if steadicam operating is really the perfect place to start if I want to work my way up to that. As for the large-diameter grip, is that just the soft foam padding underneath the gimbal? I'm sure I could add that on if that would help with eliminating pendular motion. Also, thank you for the replies.
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