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  1. Hi Oliver I have a complete Baer-bel rig for sale. With 3 different camera plates, 1 sony-plate. Cat-griller, mickey, Tripod, Pelicases, Arm, rig, 2" post, lowmode-cage, antonbaur batteries, charger, etc... All in mint condition... asking 32000 Euro or best offer... If you are interested, I am based in Copenhagen, Denmark If You have any questions, please ask me on : peterdalby@mail.dk All the best Peter Dalby
  2. Hi guys Thank you so much for the replies. I have gone out and bought the Silica Gel packs and have brought some WD40 and some grease for my arm. I look very forward to going to Panama. Coming from Scandinavia, it will be great to get some warm sunlight on my pale skin ;-) Have a great summer, I know I will... All the best Peter
  3. Hi I usually find anwers to all my questions just by reading this forum, but I can´t seem to find anything on working in a humid enviroment. I am going to Panama to do a Steadicam shoot and coming from the dry(Though rainy...) and ,sometimes cold, Scandinavia, I was wondering if anybody could give me some good advice on how to keep rust away from my rig when working in the humidity they have in the tropics? So if any of you have have been there are have some good advice how to keep my rig clean and shiny, I would love to hear from you. A great summer to all of you All the best Peter Dalby
  4. Hi John First in english, so nobody gets confused over our danish language. I am an Operator based in Copenhagen. I own a complete Baer-bel system. I am very pleased with it and have used it a lot since I purchased it two years ago. You are right that a workshop is nessasary, I went to Rockport, Maine. It was fantastic. Paul Taylor was the head instructor, and he is a very skilled Steadica Operator and a very kind person. If you need advice on Steadicams, this is the perfect forum. I have used it since I started getting into Steadicam. And if you have any questions you can contact me, and we can have a talk. And now for the danish: John, du kan bare maile mig på peterdalby@mail.dk, hvis du vil høre lidt mere, jeg har selv lavet Steadicam i et par år og lærer hele tiden selv. Jeg kender et par andre, forholdsvis, nye operatører her i KBH, og vi mødes engang imellem og "leger" med udstyr. Happy New Year everyone across the world. And have a great year in the business. All the best Peter Dalby CPH, Denmark
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