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Alessandro Ugo

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About Alessandro Ugo

  • Birthday 01/07/1988

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  1. Nice interview with Roger Deakins about the film 'True Grit', although the camera op with his zooms in and out...
  2. I'm having a look on the web. Been trying to find the production house. Really well shot commercial gotta say.
  3. So cool!! When I met him a few months ago at the Tiffen's day he did talk about some of these shots. Pretty exciting...
  4. Hi Nils, yes the Lanc control is a great solution but it looks like we won't have it on set :angry: I found this video that shows it installed on the fs700 on a drone. Worked pretty well! It looks like I'll have to go old school too, I've run some tests and it takes around half second to press the button. Hopefully the director will be as good as yours. Did you use pre or post trigger?
  5. Looks a great solution. A bit expansive but defo worth! Thanks man
  6. It hasn't been officially released yet. A few grants I reckon.
  7. Hey Nils, thank you for your explanation. I never had so far the privilege to shoot with a Phantom (unless you count a camera expo where I tried it...), but it must have been a great experience. Just a question, does it have a wireless system of control? If not, since it records only the last 5 seconds, how did you manage to operate and straight away press the button? This is my main concern for when I'll be shooting on a FS700 slowmo this weekend. By the way, the music video is outstanding ;-)
  8. Ok, just run some tests and the results are much much better than what I thought. The subject and the horizon stay very well aligned and the composition looks just great. I wish the camera had a way to wirelessly command it so I wouldn't wast half second of slowmo (almost 10 seconds in normal speed) to press the record button. Can't wait for the shoot!!!
  9. I've just been told that a Ninja will be used. I'm running some tests now and hopefully I'll be able to rehears with the performers and dancers. The director told me I can be as much creative as I want... @Janice, thank you for your advices! By the way, we are gonna have a performer lighting a sigarette with a match and blow the smoke out
  10. Hi all, next week I will operate for the first time shooting in slow motion, up to 240fps on a FS700. Is there anything in particular I should pay more attention to? Any advice? Thanks guys
  11. Tough! My knee had several operations so far but nothing will ever make it better...so the only thing I can do is to keep the muscle well in shape and suffer the pain!!
  12. Well said. Cheap editors will come out with cheap results! Good luck with your showreel. I'm currently editing my new one :-)
  13. Well said. Cheap editors will come out with cheap results!
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