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Ben Howells

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  1. Whats that! the BBC are trying to squeeze the rate's down, the Beeb have always offered crap rates anyway in my experience! Benedict is right though the biggest worry is everybody else trying to follow suit if the BBC get away with it.
  2. Hi Can anyone tell me where i can pick up a hard case with wheels and pull out handle big enough for a master sled in New York city. Thanks Ben Howells
  3. Hi Arve I have an efp kit for sale, if you are interested then let me know and i shall send you some pictures. Best wishes Ben Howells www.hiresteadicam.co.uk
  4. I jest you not... dont know who it was though! And yes it was a proper job, i know this because when the booking with mr £250 went tits up i went and did it myself, for the proper rate!
  5. Hi Jason I tend to not get involved in too many of the debates on the forum but have to say I would suggest that was a fairly wild statistic that 80% of live tv shows using steadicam in the uk do not use a focus puller. Ive worked on many big live shows and sporting events over the years as an assistant, focus puller and camera op and dont think i have ever seen a steadicam op on a high profile gig without a focus puller and quite right too. Im seriously worried about the future of the camera, steadicam op in this country, people seem to be constantly screwing the rate down but surely if the rates the rate and we all try to uphold that then punters have to pay it or go without, I know if we are all honest most of us negotiate a bit on the rate here and there but I was asked to give a rate for a days steadicam recently in London only to be told afterwards that another [op] had agreed to come down to London from yorkshire with kit and do the job for £250!! (honest). Surely thats not doing anyone any favours. Best Ben Howells
  6. Good effort Jeo Just testing on the spelling!Thanks for your imput. Ben
  7. Hi just wondered if anyone had any views positive or negative on the chroszeil sunbird Lcd monitor?
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