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Craig Schumacher

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    Anaheim, CA
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  1. I have a Flyer for sale if you’re still looking. craig@otisprod.com
  2. I have a Flyer for sale if you are still looking. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hey, everyone. I'll try to keep this short. Graduated from Columbia College Chicago in 2013. Janice Arthur did a Steadicam demo for one of my classes. I already had aspirations of being a camera operator and after this, I knew I had to add Steadicam op to that as well. Took a workshop with Janice to learn the basics. Talked an indie production I was working on into securing a rig for me to fly for their shoot. Got the itch real bad after this. Scraped together some money to buy a used Flyer, thanks to this forum. Practice, practice. Yada yada. Tried not to completely embarrass myself on a oner last summer on an indie feature. Family situation worked out where we could move from Illinois to the LA area and now I'm looking to meet some new people. I reached out to Janice and she recommended I come here. I've mostly been a lurker here aside from facilitating my Flyer purchase, but I have been really impressed by the generosity and kindness I've seen from the community. I could really use a West Coast mentor and if anyone out there would be kind enough to take me under their wing, I'd be incredibly grateful. Thanks in advance, Craig Schumacher craig@otisprod.com Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I hope Brenton doesn't mind me cutting in, but I'm new to LA and I'd really love the opportunity to come out with you. I've only ever flown a Pilot in my workshop and my own personal Flyer. Thanks in advance, and my email is craig@otisprod.com. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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