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Koji Kojima

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Koji Kojima last won the day on January 13 2017

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    Los Angeles
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  1. Hi, Remi I know it's been a while since you posted this but have you decided on either way or still thinking? I'm in the same boat now, debating whether to go one way or another. I'm a little leaning toward the PRO gimbal conversion + get a back-up PRO gimbal route. If you have gone either way, would you please share your experiences and thoughts? Thanks,
  2. Thank you for your reply in details!! Very informative!! I'm learning so much here! Sounds like whether I'm treated as an employee or and an contractor makes a difference. I feel like I should be an employee. I'll talk to the producer again. I'm hoping to have a decent conversation instead of fight. Again, thank you!! Koji
  3. Hi, all I just got the first job as Steadicam Op. I was really excited but the producer told me this and am really worried now. Here's what he said: "Just so you know, our insurance may not cover you if you are "owner-operator" (because CA state requires you carry your insurance as contractor; thus many production insurances don't cover owner-operators who are contractors). So use your company as a rental company then there's no problem." As a new guy, I haven't set up a company for my Steadicam yet. I'm just wondering if what he's saying is true and I have to use my own insurance or if it's false and there's a way to get it covered. Thanks,
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