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  1. Drop time was around 2 seconds.
  2. Hi Robin, Thanks for that, it worked pretty well. Finding the dynamic balance was a bit tricky but I got pretty close. One thing I have noticed is a slight sway to the steadicam when I'm balancing it. I'm not sure what would cause this or if it is a problem at all, here's a video I took showing the swaying as well as the dynamic balance. Thanks, Matt
  3. Yes it does have a HDMI connection, I don't have a cable long enough to reach from the sled to the monitor just yet. And yes I did take a photo, apologies for the terrible quality. This was my first time balancing this setup so any advice would be welcome so I can improve the next time I test it. Thanks, Matt
  4. Hi all, I recently purchased a Steadicam Aero 30 and had the chance to test it out with a Sony PMW-500, here's one of the shots I'm pleased with. I had previously been practising with my Canon 5D which was challenging as I couldn't get a HDMI from the camera to the monitor. It took me a while to get used to balancing a heavier camera but it felt much better to use compared to a DSLR. I'm still working on keeping my corners and horizon straight. Any other suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks, Matt
  5. Apologies for the late reply, work has been pretty busy. I would most likely use the cameras we stock at the kitroom I work for. These are predominantly the FS7, c300 and c300 mkii. We are also getting an Alexa Mini along with a set if Cooke S4 lenses. Accessories would be along the lines of redrock micro remote follow focus, terradecks, TV logic monitors, etc. Thanks for all the replies. Matt
  6. Hi all, I stumbled upon this forum while doing research into steadicams, I've recently started a full time job (kit rental company) which has allowed me to save up enough money for a steadicam. I've been very interested in them for sometime, but they've only just become financially possible for me. I completed the Tiffen Bronze Steadicam course where I got to grips with the Zephyr, Pilot and Scout. I also have the opportunity to use gimbals like the Ronin and Movi at work. After using both of them I've decided to go with steadicam. I've been looking at the Zephyr and the Scout but I'm unsure if I need a steadicam that can take large-ish cameras. Obviously I need to start practicing and eventually use it on shoots, but would I be okay with something like the scout or pilot over the Zephyr? Appologies if I haven't worded this very well. Thanks, Matt
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