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tiago silva

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About tiago silva

  • Birthday 07/20/1985

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    Own: Pilot. Work on daily basis with: GPI PRO/Archer2/shadow V/

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  1. I use the tilt stage a lot. Doing football matches I always give a litle tilt down since the field have something like a 5% declination for water porpouses, that you can really feel when you are using the zoom. When I m doing conferences or concerts is the oposite. I use the tilt up since the stage normaly is in a higher level. You can do the tilt with your hand forcing the sled but in my opinion if you can choose, choose the tilt stage. I would put the less efort on the sled as possible. Sometimes it's not possible of course but as much as I can, I try to use only small adjustments on the gimbal. My two cents ;)
  2. I use a lot the atomos Samurai blade. Much cheaper than the flame. And much lighter. have some limitations and I should not use it as a steadicam monitor ( at least outside (but I had an experience once that I had to use it as an sos and it did his job).
  3. I am wondering just the same. I just got one myself and I'm thinking to do that. It doesn't look so hard but you never know :). Anyone tried before? ;)
  4. just my two cents... I tried to do a football mach with one bassoon... Just hated it. I already refused 3 jobs with basson after that experience. Very hard to balance, the materials seams to being stolen from a construction warehouse. no time spent with details. It is just another league for who works with steadicam/gpi. I believe that some people can sort it out but for what I do it just don't work. In my opinion... Avoid it!!!
  5. the weights are there to help with light weight cameras. I've been fighting with light cameras and that solution seems perfect to me. Witch is the price for European market?
  6. boas Pedro. O cabo que arranjaste estás a usar com que tipo de ficha? Já agora estás a trabalhar para quem em Portugal? Na minha experiência eu costumo passar o cabo a passar pela lateral da camera, passa por dentro da pega e vai cair sensivelmente a meio, antes do gimbal. Deste modo mantém-te a torção do cabo mais ao centro do eixo possível. Abraço e bom trabalho.
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