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Will Davis

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About Will Davis

  • Birthday 07/17/1994

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    Blackmagic URSA
  1. Hey Peter, I've used Dyna DM-155A's a while ago, they work fine. Didn't have much problems with it. Since then though, I've switched to BCB BZ-160ALs after finding out about them at cinegear (http://www.provideocoalition.com/review-broadcast-camera-batteries/) and confirming with my own hands how light weight they are. Not sure how important that is for you, but for me this made them an absolute winner for steadicam. Will
  2. Hey Fred, Battery wise, I'd go for light weight batteries as much as I can since weight matters, especially on a steadicam. I've been using BCBs for a while now, they are pretty light. But with some googling you can find sites that compare them considering weight as well. One such I just found is http://www.comparebroadcastbatteries.com/
  3. Hey Brett, funny I did the same thing just not with VECT but with BCB. Had an AB initially, but those things are just way too expensive. So after looking around for awhile I decided on BCB and been using them for almost 2 years by now. They have similar features to the VECT, D-tap and charge indicator. They look a bit pricier than the VECT but the customer service is amazing. Once I had an issue while shooting in Nevada (wee bit embarrassing, so not gonna get into details) and needed a new battery ASAP. Called them in the afternoon and by next morning I got the replacements and could continue shooting. They even sent batteries with some charge in it to make charging shorter. Got a follow up call to make sure I received them and an apologie that they couldn't send fully charged batteries due to some regulations... Gotta say, I was impressed.
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