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Frederic Borensztein

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  1. Any condition. Located in Europe if possible.
  2. Hello Amy ! I would really advise you to buy the Aero30 instead of the 15 (or a used Zephyr, much better). If you plan to fly a Red scarlet w, the 15 won't be enough. Maybe that you are just over 5kg NOW, but if one day you want to add a bigger lens, or a mattebox, or any accessories, you're beaten. Another solution would be to buy the Aero 15 for now, and mayber later, just change the arm to the A-30 (as the only difference between Aero 15 and Aero 30 is the arm). But I would not do that if I were you. Cheers !
  3. Hey, I don't really have news... The only solution I found to power more than one accessory is, as I said in a previous post, using a double P-TAP. You could also use the P-TAP on your camera battery if there is one.
  4. Hello Navdeep, This monitor doesn't have this feature. The only way to get safety markers is through your camera menu. And I'm not sure you can do it with the A7Sii.
  5. I also had some problem logging on the forum using Facebook, but here I am again. @Isaac : I think you can fly all you detailed before. As Ryan said, you have around 28lbs weight capacity, which is quite nice. I was able to fly a 5Dmark3 with 0 accessories to an FS7 or Ursa mini with cinema lens, teradek, motors etc... I also bought 4 more weights, so I don't have to extend the post too much. I had a bad vibration experience when I had a pretty heavy load and had to extend the post all the way down. I have around 2kg of weights now, and I don't have to use a weight plate, which is nice (and I can put them either on top or bottom of my sled). Here is a picture of a clean setup I had a couple months ago (before I bought my additionnal weights) : https://www.instagram.com/p/BSCXcU5j520/?hl=fr
  6. Hi guys ! @Isaac : Yes, I bought the system about 4 months ago. It is working perfectly, good quality as always for Steadicam. I can't really detail all the pros and cons (but if you have specific question, feel free to ask). The only thing that could be a little problem is that there is only one P-TAP on top of the sled. No lemo pin. So if you want to power multiple accessories, it could be a bit tricky. If you want to power 2 accessories, be sure to have a double P-TAP. @Tim : You're right, there is no additional battery hanger. But the Aero comes with a set of weights (8x0,4lbs each, if I'm right). You have 4 holes on the top (cf first post of the conversation) and 3 and the bottom : 1 on battery side, 1 on monitor side, and 1 on the bottom of the sled. Theoretically, you can put as many weights as you want on any of those holes. You can buy more weights than the 8 you already have. So don't worry about flying heavier cameras as long as your arm can support it. Another solution is to make another additionnal battery hanger yourself ;) Fred
  7. Hey Mitch ! Thank you for the interesting feedback ! I'll try to freeze and analyse my frames as you suggest. What I try to work in my shots to begin with is to keep a steady and good horizon and the headroom. Of course I always think of the construction of my frames and their meaning. I will keep your advice in mind for my next shoots. I have 3 in the next few weeks. I'll post them in this topic ! Fred
  8. Hello everyone ! Here is my first (short) demo, edited usin rusheds from a few projects I filmed this past year. I have worked with my new Aero 30 I bought a couple months ago but also with other rigs such as Glidecam X22 or L'aigle Aura (french brand). If you could give me some advice and critics about my shots, it would be great ! (I know the last few shots are really far from good, should I delete it from my demo ?) Shot with 5dmk3 and FS7 (for the last one). Here is the link : And of course, I'm still working, still trying to improve ! Thanks, Fred
  9. Indeed, they stopped making Zephyr since 2014 I think (but still vending since they got a few left in stock). And yes, I guess the Aero 30 is the "new Zephyr" : exact same vest/arm.
  10. Thanks Victor for your answer, I'll keep your advice in mind when I'll buy my case !
  11. Hello ! I've been looking on the forum about the Peliair Cases, but didn't find any post or message about it. I am about to buy a case for my (soon to be) new gear the Steadicam Aero, and I would like to know : - if Peliair cases are as reliable as standard ones (its 10% more expensive but 40% lighter for the biggest case) - if my rig could fit in the case I want. Peliair 1615 is 29.59" x 15.50" x 9.38" (interior) and weight only 6.4 kg I would like to put all my rig in it (is it even possible ?) : aero sled (57,2cm but with detachable base, so maybe a 5-8cm gain), arm + vest (same as Zephyr), 7" monitor, 3 batteries + charger, docking bracket, and maybe some cables. What do you think about it ? Thanks ! Fred
  12. Hello ! I've been really interested in this new Aero Steadicam lately. I had the possibility to try it today at the SATIS (exhibition in Paris France). Of course, I asked a lot of questions about it. The Aero arm, vest and Gimbal are indeed the Zephyr one, with a different name on it. I was told the weight capability is also the same (so about 30lbs). Now I understand the Aero15/30 names. The seller (who is the official Steadicam importer in France) told me that they replaced the Pilot and Zephyr by the Aero 15/30 only for marketing matters and to fight the brushless gimbal market. Which it them pretty hard under 20lbs capacity. That's also why the Aero30 is much cheaper than the Zephyr (5.500 vs 9.000+). That's all I know I guess. If you have questions, feel free to ask. I'm still in contact with the guy, since I think about buying the rig. Fred
  13. It has a "standard" Steadicam monitor : "7" HD-SDI/SD/HDMI 1000 NIT " And to answer your second question... I will most likely work on my own 5dmark3, but I aim to work on bigger cameras as F55, FS7, C100/300, red scarlet...
  14. Thank you Will for the tip. BCB batteries seem to be a good choice. I'll have a look. @Victor I totally understand your point about the SD video line and lemo connectors. But the price is far from the zephyr's one actually. From what I can see on Tiffen website, for the arm, vest, sled and monitor, it costs more than 10 000$ fo the Zephyr when the Aero 30 (which lifts 20lbs) is only 5300$. So I'm wondering why buying the Zephyr (which can lift 23 lbs) when its almost twice the price of the new Aero 30. And I don't think the additionnal SD video line or 3 pin lemo connectors justify these 5 000$. What do you think about it ? Maybe I'm missing something...
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