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Brett Guthrie

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  1. Thanks, I should have removed this post or something, I already purchased a rig but thank you anyways. Good luck selling it. Brett
  2. Does the Anton Bauer Lifesaver Quad Fast Charger (Logic Series) type charger charge digital trimpac batteries? I am in a bind with these new batteries I purchased without a charger and am trying to find a charger before this weekends shoots. If you have the time please call me so I can buy this thing on ebay tonight. Thanks Brett 757-376-1823
  3. I just bought a system from a fellow flyer and I need an Anton Bauer charger from my Digital Trimpac batteries, prefer a used one. I imagine the regular trimpacs and the digital form use the same charger. Is that incorrect? If you have a charger or know someone looking to sell or know a good place in LA to buy one let me know pls. Thanks Brett
  4. I am looking for a semi versitile rig, something that will handle everything below 35mm cameras, something in the 20-25 lbs range. Does anyone have a Flyer, or equivalent capacity, rig they no longer use and want to sell? Brett- Los Angeles 757-376-1823
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