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Mathew Cree

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About Mathew Cree

  • Birthday 05/12/1987

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  • Rig
    Ultra 1, ultra 1 vest, Luna 3A arm

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  1. Hey there, looking for a single channel handset and a DM5 motor for a friend, please msg me if you have one, prices and photos! cheers, Matt
  2. Hello everyone, My colleague and I both sent our volt brains to Tiffen in LA to receive the latest firmware. And I must say what Larry mentioned is working really well. In sticky mode I feel less resistance and I don’t get that bobble, in normal mode I like the feel a lot better than before. However two things have been happening that I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing. 1. In normal mode I still get that little bobble when trying to set a new tilt angle. If I do the “double press” as some have mentioned it helps, but I don’t this this ideal in any capacity. Has anyone experienced the way Larry describes in his video with the new firmware? 2. This is a big problem we are both experiencing. The Level trim keeps drifting. If I keep the sled in normal mode and operate, it seems to hold pretty well UNTIL I do a large tilt, or try to put some sort of roll in the shot. The level seems to drift off slightly here. if I am in low mode, it seems to just be a complete disaster and I seem to be constantly re-triming to level. This is a GIANT pita and I am just curious if anyone else other than us is experiencing it. We were not having this issue what so ever with the old firmware. We both fly the Betz Rig, both Rigs were dynamically balanced for this test. We don’t think it’s the rigs or the gimbal, as it was fine on the old firmware. We have a third friend that has the same sled with a brain still on the old firmware that we are going to test with in the next bit. If anyone else has experienced this issue I am interested to hear about it and if there is a potential fix! Perhaps we just have to go back to the old firmware for now. Cheers, Matt
  3. I ran into this problem a lot with my ultra plates, so I just drilled a hole the correct spacing for the camera in one of my plates. Not ideal, but it definitely worked for me anyway. It wasn’t for a dxl 2 but I’m guessing it has the same spacing as a red or mini. (Could be wrong) Matt
  4. Hi there, As the title reads looking for a transvideo 8” X-SBL monitor. Preferably with the preset viewing angles for steadicam. Send me an email, Matt.cree@live.com cheers, Matt
  5. Hi there, looking to purchase a pro titan arm w/ canisters (at least 4 black). Blue canisters could be helpful as well if they are available. Send me a message or email at Matt.cree@live.com
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