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Luca Sportelli

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Luca Sportelli last won the day on March 30 2018

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About Luca Sportelli

  • Birthday 10/08/1980

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  • Rig
    Gpi Pro vest - GPI Pro Titan Arm - Easy Steady Cine series Sled with Artemis Arri Gimbal - Transvideo Cinemonitor 6 eSbl

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    +39 3484877695

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  1. Thank you very much, this definitely helped!! Thanks Alex and Cedric!
  2. Solved, if you need topstag's screws are 8-32 x 1-1/4"
  3. Thank you for your reply, I need to be sure it is a 2" :D
  4. Hi, I'm searching in the forum but can't find which Collar size I have to buy to put the collar over my PRO locking part under junction box, to use a Gorelock 2 as Docking bracket. I see lots of operators putting Hill collar on the locking part, but I want to be sure about the size to order! Thank you very much, Luca
  5. Hi everybody, I have one problem: I bought a new Betz topstage for my Cinelive, it came with 4 screws, they are fitting but go into the upper electronic just for three turns, I'd need a bit longer screw set, but I can't find which size the they are!! Can you help me please? The screws that came with Betz topstage are 1" long
  6. Thank you Ramon, so I have to send a Pro locking collar with the Betz Top stage to David...
  7. Used yesterday for a work, an assignable flip button is really cool! Had lots of problems with the power source! I tried to power the camera from my sled but a low voltage alarm appeared! Had to operate with the onboard battery... really strange that the same two batteries from my sled gave a 16V output, but the camera read only 13!! Had someone this strange problem?
  8. Sorry can I ask you a photo of how it as attached to the sled? Thank you very much!
  9. I'm very interested, can you message me a quotation for expedition to Italy please? I'd need also to know the distance between the two screws, if possible! Thank you very much
  10. Really impressive!! Totally amazing, must test the Gyro on Trinity!!
  11. Hi Daniel, Here in Europe sadly we can't find lots of interesting things from America, or they are really expensive!
  12. Thank You very much Tom!! Do you have some suggestion where can I get them? Probably I'll ask Jerry himself
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