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Craig Catolane

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About Craig Catolane

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  • Location
    New York

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  1. Are you willing to sell the J bracket separately?
  2. I am curious if anyone has successfully fitted the Volt to the Artemis 1.74” post and if so, did you need to communicate with Tiffen about providing spacers?
  3. Hey John, I am interested in purchasing this. Will you ship to the US?
  4. I am looking to purchase any size arm posts for the Steadicam Master Series Arm.
  5. I am looking to purchase a practice weight cage. If you have one or know where I can find one, please message me or email at craigcatolane@gmail.com. Thank you.
  6. Hello, I am curious if you had any luck selling this package. I may be acquiring an Ultra 2 sled and I wasn't sure if there was a market for them.
  7. I need to recell a dozen Steadicam IDX V-Lock batteries. I’m having trouble finding a place that does that. I appreciate any help with this. Thanks in advance.
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