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Matt Lima

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    Detroit, MI
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  1. Hello all, My arm gave out suddenly with the sled on it. It seems the lower lift control has become stripped? Not too sure. I'm unable to move it at all. I'm wondering if anybody has had this issue, and is aware of a good fix or if I need to send it in to Tiffen to get it serviced.
  2. Hello all, I recently purchased Tiffen's "M2 Core-kit" and everything has been fine except for the vest. I received the rig only three weeks ago. It comes with a zephyr vest (one is not able to substitute with their kit) and as I was wearing the rig, the spring loaded piece that adjusts the vest and keeps it from sliding popped out causing my entire rig to slowly fall off my body. Luckily the arm and sled didn't fall and I was near to the dock and nothing was damaged except now the zephyr vest is completely useless. I can no longer put that spring loaded piece into place. It keeps sliding in and out. I've already notified Tiffen about this and am waiting for a response, but I wanted to know if anyone else has had this issue? Pretty bummed about the vest since I'm a pretty new operator and eager to keep practicing. Any help or tips welcome. Thanks all!
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