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Brett Persons

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  1. thanks for the replies everyone. i will continue trying to find information. if anyone else has anything to say please do, i will check back on this post frequently. Brett Persons
  2. i could ask him questions, but im looking for a view from a struggling new guy, not a successful one. he probably can't even remember having to look for work like that. also he does not live in florida so he can't provide me with that viewpoint either.
  3. its been a day and the post has 65 views. One of you 65 must have some sort of input for me. Again, any help would be greatly appreciated
  4. Hello everyone. The name's Brett and im completely new to the world of steadicam. I am very interested in the field and would like to ask a few questions that i feel are necessary. I would like to know from you guys that are trying to get into the field now, how difficult is it. Purchasing a rig, which i understand to be the only way to get into the field, will be the most expensive thing i have ever bought. I need to know, if i am going to buy one and start doing some things, how crowded is the market of steadicam operators? Are there hundreds of you guys all fighting for the same jobs? Do the guys that suck get weeded out quick or do they take the open spots up too? Another topic. I live in Florida. My brother who is a steadicam operator in California says that he is pretty sure i could find a bit of work here but that i should ask around to know for sure. Anyone out here in FL that can give me a first hand account of trying to find work? Any other advice that anyone can give me, or any things that you guys think a new guy that doesn't know much should know, im listening. Thanks all. Brett Persons
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