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Yngve Bugge Drangsholt

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  • Location
    Oslo, Norway
  • Rig
    Glidecam X-45 | Glidecam Gold arm/vest

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  1. You are right indeed! The wiring is HD-SDI. I knew this beforehand, but only just figured out that the converter probably forces a 3G signal whenever it gets the chance, i.e the 1080p signal got too powerful. It is odd that 1080i was glitching as well, but as you say, i'm guessing the converter just forced a signal that was right at the edge of what the internal wiring could handle. My solution was to go via my newly acquired low-mode monitor, which can cross-convert HDMI to a manageable SDI signal. Little jank, but it works well for practice. Thank you for the input! :)
  2. Good day! Just got my first sled, and i'm super happy with it! I do however have a bit of an odd problem (or maybe it isn't and i'm just a newbie ((most likely)) The guy i purchased it from has an older Canon C300, which i have used as a practice camera for a while. I wanted to put my own camera on the sled, but this is where my problems began. My camera is an A7IV, which i've weighed down with a v-mount battery and a practice cage. To get signal down to my monitor, i'm having to use a blackmagic micro 3G HDMI-SDI converter. Now if i connect directly to my monitor from the converter, the signal is fine nomatter the output resolution of the camera. However, when i try to go via the internal SDI in my sled, the signal will only work with 1080 interlaced, and even then, the signal is quite glitchy. The sled has three HD-SDI connectors, which to my knowledge should be able to output 1080 25P? I have tried to configure the blackmagic converter, but my choices are only Level A or Level B, none of which work. The sled is a Glidecam X-45 (it has been upgraded in several ways, but the internal wiring is still the same). The monitor is a 702 Touch. TLDR; My sleds internal SDI cables will only output a glitchy interlaced signal, despite being capable of progressive(?)
  3. Thank you so much for the input, Severin, that is very helpful! I have wanted to pursue this as a career for a long while now. I've read through most of the handbook and watched countless hours of videos on the subject over the years, so i'm very keen to get started! After crunching the numbers some more (and noticing that the silver workshop included a refundable VAT charge, and the gold workshop didn't), the cost difference would be a little larger than I first thought. Silver would be around 1700 EUR and the gold would be around 3500 EUR, transportation and accommodation taken into account, so i'll have to take that into consideration. It will definitely be an invest either way, but perhaps it could be beneficial to take a silver workshop and put the difference into a down payment on a first rig? It's at least good to know that the entry level will be somewhat similar! Thanks again, Sev!
  4. Good day, evening and everything in between! I currently work as a camera operator and AC based in Norway, but I’ve always had a dream of doing steadicam operating one day. Experience wise, I’m pretty much starting from scratch. The closest I’ve been to steadicam operating is a bit of gimbal work- and running around with a knock-off glidecam (the handheld kind) when I was younger. I am looking to attend a steadicam workshop, and saw that there is both a gold and a silver workshop coming up later this year. The question is, which do i choose? Seeing as i have little to no experience, should i go with a silver workshop first, then perhaps step up to a gold workshop later? Or could I in theory go straight for the gold one, and be just as fine? Would you recommend me getting at least some experience with a steadicam before attending, or could I rock up as a complete beginner? The silver workshop is being held in the UK and the gold one in Sweden. Being based in Norway, I would have to fly in either way, and the Gold workshop includes accommodation/food, so the price difference wouldn't be too massive. Thanks -Yngve
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