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Mark Faye

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  1. Fact: The tilting stage patent belongs to Jerry and Garrett. Fact: Chrosziel makes and sells a rip-off tilting stage, breaking the law. They know it very well and they don?t care. Fact: Howard at MK-V, knowing all of the above, is re-selling Chrosziel tilt stages and getting a small commission every time. Personal opinion: The fact that Howard is re-selling a patent-violating product is equally unethical and preposterous, no different than as if he was manufacturing it himself. Also: Howard is re-selling Chrosziel non-tilting top stages. Nothing wrong with that. Only GPI wouldn?t give him a commission deal, and that is why he doesn?t ?recommend? the Donkey Box 3 to his clients for sometime now. Of course he will deny it and say that the Chrosziel stage is simply better. Dear Job: Please wait till you spend £32.000 on an AR, only to find that it works occasionally (at best), and discover like many others that Howard?s support and service evaporate when he has nothing more to sell you. Dear Ben: You are too young to address Jerry as ?mate? and too green to attempt to ?correct? him in any steadicam-related issue. You are of course free to feel otherwise and contemplate your own thoughts while sitting on that toilet.
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